The market is usually lively on the seventh day. Most people usually attend on that day largely because it is a weekend. Jenise stall is always at the centre of the busy market. This ensures that she makes huge sales on such market days.
But this fateful day was different. Her old ugly stall appears to have been deserted. It lost the busy bee nature which it has enjoyed over the years. One thing was certain, all is not well with either the stall or its owner.
Her regular customer draws closer to observe why the sudden desertion. She was able to see a note...a poster at the entrance to the stall.... Jenise had just passed away that morning. Cold shivers ran through her nerves as she tiptoed backwards.
She could not believe what she had just seen. Oh, poor Jenise, why her!!! A beautiful soul has left this sinful world, she said.
Reluctantly, she pulled back and walked away. But one thing is certain, her day will never be the same again.