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RE: A Wednesday Walk I Stumbled Upon

in Wednesday Walk11 months ago

No problem I understand. The colon thing I have putting it off and I will get one this year. The Doc has been hounding me since I was 45. Now 50, I was a little put off by it initially but a lot had to do with the referral I got, a doctor named Dr. Ferry 🤣😂🤣 Im sure you have had many and I got to step foward on the first one, haha.

Hoping you pass all those pre checks and get done what you have to and come out better than before 🙏 Keep staying positive 👍


I will be honest I put mine off way more than I should have was 62 when I got my first one, and then have had three since every 6 months, and realize how lucky I have been, the Dr basically said it is amazing luck for both me and my brother who did the same, statistically is almost 99.99% odds one of us would have had cancer and we are so lucky that neither of us have had it, and all our kids and grandkids are recommended to start having them at 18

yes thats my hope since I know I need the surgery I just want it done and over with, if I have blockages affecting my heart the cardiologist said I need those cleared first, a similar rocedure to when I had my legs done, so not worried about that but concerned if that happens that my surgery will be delayed a year

Oh I didn't realize colon cancer was hereditary and could prompt our kids and grand kids to be checked at such an early age. Well I hope you don't have any blockages of your heart and get this surgery done and over with. I know that will give you a lot of peace of mind.

thanks again, yes I didnt know it till the Dr suggested the genetic test