[Eng+Spa] Day 964: Day of the Dead + Día 964: Día de los Muertos

Brief description of the daily life in the personal quarantine.
Breve descripción de la cotidianidad en la cuarentena personal.

Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Source - https://pro-chislo.ru/964
Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Hello to all readers, I hope you are well on this Wednesday.
Hola a todos los lectores, espero que estén bien en este día miércoles.

Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Recently a reader of my logs for the day commented that she had left aside the notes on history, in that she is right, and it would be good to return to it.

Today in particular, it is a day of celebration that takes on different nuances depending on where in the world it is held and the tradition on which it is based, it is the 'Day of the Dead', or 'Day of All Saints and Faithful Dead' or 'Halloween'.
Hace poco una lectora de mis registros del día comentó que había dejado de lado las notas sobre historia, en eso tiene razón y sería bueno retomarlo.

Hoy en particular, es un día de celebración que toma distintos matices según el lugar del mundo en que se realice y la tradición en la que se base, se trata del ‘Día de Muertos’, o ‘Día de Todos los Santos y Fieles Difuntos’ o ‘Halloween’.

Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Already with the last thing said in the previous paragraph, it would be normal for someone to jump a bit, since it is known that The Day of the Dead and Halloween are different dates, the #DayOfTheDead is a holiday that was initially Mexican and has expanded in its manifestation, #Halloween is a party popularized by North Americans and exported to the whole world for its films, among which I think I have to count those that became classics of #Teen #Terror #Cinema of the last decades of the 20th Century

In addition, the North American holiday is October 31 and the Mexican one takes place between November 1 and 2, so they do not share the same date, but they are usually associated by their particular representation of the idea of ​​death that returns to life and moves in this world of ours.

It can be considered that they are the product of syncretism, but in the case of the Day of the Dead celebration, it is a mixture between the indigenous Mexican culture and the Spanish colonizers of the 16th century. In cultural and social imposition, one of the most used ways is the appropriation of the dates and symbols of the conquered peoples and their subsequent identification with celebrations or symbols of the conquering peoples.
Ya con la última cosa dicha en el párrafo anterior, sería normal que alguien saltara un poco, pues es conocido que El Día de los Muertos y Halloween son fechas distintas, el #DiaDeLosMuertos es una festividad que en inicio fue mexicana y se ha expandido en su manifestación, el #Halloween es una fiesta popularizada por los norteamericanos y exportada al mundo entero por sus películas, entre las que creo que tengo que contar las que se convirtieron en clásicos del #Cine de #Terror adolescente de las últimas décadas del Siglo XX

Además, la festividad norteamericana es el 31 de octubre y la mexicana se desarrolla entre el día 1 y 2 de noviembre, así que ni comparten la misma fecha, pero se les suele asociar por su particular representación de la idea de la muerte que vuelve a la vida y se mueve en este mundo nuestro.

Se puede considerar que son producto de sincretismos, pero en el caso de la celebración de Día de los Muertos, es una mezcla entre la cultura Mexica indígena y de los colonizadores españoles del Siglo XVI. En la imposición cultural y social, una de las maneras más usadas es la apropiación de las fechas y de los símbolos de los pueblos conquistados y su posterior identificación con celebraciones o símbolos de los pueblos conquistadores.

Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

So then, the old customs of commemorating the deceased and celebrating life in their memory, is a custom that did not disappear, but was transformed to survive in a new historical time, one marked by a new Faith, that of the conquerors, but in an underlying way, it allowed the creation of a new symbology, an aesthetic that is now identifiable in many parts of the world and constitutes a very notorious part of the culture of that Latin American country.

By the way, in my country, #Venezuela, we didn't have a tradition of celebrating Halloween or Day of the Dead costumes, at least until a few decades ago. But now it is something much more frequent, in part this is why it is said that Venezuelans always look for an excuse to celebrate whatever :)
Así entonces, las viejas costumbres de rememorar a los difuntos y celebrar en su memoria la vida, es una costumbre que no desapareció, sino que se transformó para sobrevivir en un nuevo tiempo histórico, uno marcado por una nueva Fe, la de los conquistadores, pero que de manera subyacente, permitió crear una simbología nueva, una estética que es identificable ahora en muchas partes del mundo y constituye una parte muy notoria de la cultura de ese país latinoamericano.

Por cierto, en mi país, #Venezuela, no teníamos una tradición de celebración con disfraces ni de Halloween ni del Día de los Muertos, al menos hasta hace unas pocas décadas. Pero ahora sí que es algo mucho más frecuente, en parte es por esto que se dice que los venezolanos siempre buscamos una excusa para celebrar lo que sea :)

Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Oops! The electricity is not stable, these failures are possible preludes to a new blackout, so I better leave the publication until this point. Already today, day 964 since the #quarantine was declared in this country due to the #COVID-19 #pandemic, I spent many hours without electricity, and it returned recently, the internet signal is dead on my cell phone, but luckily it is working on the operator of my BAM device.

Knowing how things are, it is better to publish while you can. I wish you well and that we can read each other again another time.
¡Ops! La electricidad no está estable, estos fallos son posibles preludios de un nuevo apagón, así que mejor dejo la publicación hasta este punto. Ya hoy, día 964 desde que se declaró la #Cuarentena en este país por la #pandemia de #Covid19, pasé bastantes horas sin electricidad y regresó hace poco, la señal de internet está muerta en mi celular, pero por suerte si está funcionando en la operadora de mi dispositivo BAM.

Sabiendo como son as cosas, es mejor publicar mientras se pueda. Te deseo que tú estés bien y que nos podamos leer de nuevo en otra oportunidad.


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Los 4 puntos para unirte al #IAmAliveChallenge, incluyen el uso de la etiqueta #alive para publicar en We Are Alive Tribe y ganar tokens ALIVE.


Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

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#Venezuela, we didn't have a tradition of celebrating Halloween or Day of the Dead costumes, at least until a few decades ago.

I didn't know that these traditions are recent for Venezuela. !ALIVE

@pedrobrito2004! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ironshield. (2/20)

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Initially, they were popularized by movies and series. Nowadays, they are not yet festivities with a large number of participants, as they are in their countries of origin, but they are growing every year in the number of participants.

@ironshield! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @pedrobrito2004. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Excellent review on the Day of the Dead.


Thanks for comment.
Personally, I felt that I had a lot of left to say, but it was time to post, because just to finish and manage to publish the post, it turns out that my signal failed, and I spent a long time without being able to connect, luckily I listened to myself and I posted at the time I said it.

@edgerik! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @pedrobrito2004. (3/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Great to hear that you are alive and well despite the power issues Pedro, and thanks a lot for sharing the history around the Day of the Dead, it was very interesting, enjoy your day and stay awesome.

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They’re selling pre-sliced fruit at Whole Foods
Hey, that's false advertising!

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Thank you so much @pedrobrito2004 enjoy your day!

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- @littlebee4 - Comment Moderator

@pedrobrito2004! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @thisisawesome. (6/30)

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By the way, in my country, #Venezuela, we didn't have a tradition of celebrating Halloween or Day of the Dead costumes, at least until a few decades ago. But now it is something much more frequent, in part this is why it is said that Venezuelans always look for an excuse to celebrate whatever :)

In my country, too. I think it is America that has infected the whole world with this disease. 😜😅 !LOLZ

Yes, I think the same way. We can never underestimate the capacity of cinema and TV series to export traditions, cultural values and scales of social values to other parts of the world.

Somewhere I read that this is considered part of 'Soft Diplomacy' and in part it is also considered a weapon of cultural penetration to other peoples, although the latter seems to me (sometimes) a bit exaggerated :)

although the latter seems to me (sometimes) a bit exaggerated :)

😜 !LOLZ Yes, I think so, too.

Why did the coffee go to the police?
Because it was mugged.

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Wow, the history of the day is here. I enjoyed reading through friend. Halloween and the day of the dead. I've learnt something today too; it's origin and how both had intertwined. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for commenting, it's nice to know that the post provided something new to know :)

@amakauz! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @pedrobrito2004. (9/10)

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Nice history information.
Happy celebrations.
Thanks for the information.

@pedrobrito2004! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @jmis101. (1/10)

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Thanks for comment.
Happy Day of the Dead to you too :)
Although having the word 'Happy' and 'Dead' in the same sentence is something that, in most cases, is contradictory. But in this case it fits, because what is celebrated is the memory of the Life lived by the members of our family or of our town and who are now not alive.

@jmis101! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @pedrobrito2004. (6/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Yes, it sounds somehow.
But the meaning is a deep one and needs to be celebrated.
You are welcome.

Happy day of the death, the celebration is worth it.

I agree, celebrating life is always worth it, even if it is just celebrating the memory of the lives of our deceased relatives.

@olujose6! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @pedrobrito2004. (7/10)

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Yes, sure.

Thanks for sharing. I hope the internet signal will return to your cell phone.

Thank you for commenting, I also wish that the signals and services that I need are more stable :)
While that is happening, I work with what I have at hand.

@mypathtofire! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @pedrobrito2004. (10/10)

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Congratulations being on heartbeatonlive again 👏

Thanks for the congratulation :)

Yay! 🤗
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It is an interesting tradition good excuse to dress up if you like that kind of thing.
I will be including this content on the @heartbeatonhive curation collection

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Certainly, although personally, I like carnival costumes with happier themes more. Although, I have to say that with the party they throw in Mexico, even death seems somewhat festive.


Yes my friend many cultures consider death the beginning not the end so is celebrated so 😎

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