Dreaded Bug
So I finally got the bug - woke up around six with a sore throat and very lethargic. I got up to begin my normal routines, but quickly found myself back in bed. Had a cup of lemon honey tea and took some ibuprofen. Slept soundly until nine or so, got up and felt like I got hit with a Mack Truck, all 24 wheels. I was careful to eat some as I expected I would be skipping lunch.
I'm not naturally a "stay in bed" sort of guy, especially with so much activity in the house, but after some light activity, I let my body rest some more. I had to control my patience level as I found every sound and noise extremely irritating. But it doesn't have to be irritating, I don't have to allow it to be irritating. Once things quieted down, I slept for a long time. In the afternoon, I felt compelled to get up and get on a project, but after about an hour, I had to go back to rest mode.
My default is ALIVE+THRIVE, what's this lay in bed business?
How To Thrive When Weak
It's a mind game. I found myself saying in my head "you're not going to get anything done today" and "You're going to be exhausted" - I heard these things, but I refused to believe them! I corrected my thought pattern and intentionally thought "I'll get done today what needs to be done today" and "I will do it with all my might." Even if "what needs to be done today" is laying in bed resting, it's still getting done.
It's evening now and I'm getting my daily ALIVE post in. I'm thankful that the symptoms I'm experiencing seem to be lighter than what my children experienced... although if I'm continuing the pattern, I'll have some stomach and bathroom issues coming up. Blah. But no matter what, I'll get done today what needs to be done today. Everything else will be done later.
Dear readers, have you ever found yourself correcting your own thought patterns? Can you think of an example of this?
Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of six wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.
Bless the Most High!
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