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RE: The Impact of Physical Appearance on Society

in Hive Learners24 days ago

Can you please elaborate your comment better and explain what relationship it has to my publication? I can't find the meaning, help me understand it.


just what i said society is not based on apparience (that's an animal instinct) matter cause we have an animal brain but shouldn't .There are no laws (laws define society) that give more rights to persons with better apparience

My publication has nothing to do with appearance, it is clear that you have not read the publication.

I talk about other things that are other topics.

Your comment makes no sense at all. 😑

It's a good idea to make comments that have to do with the main topic of the post, which is not appearance.

i certain read the full publication ,i accord with the rest ,but not in that ,i am in my right to comment What i think if you make such declaration even if is not the main theme.

And I have the right to mute you from now on. I don't like comments that don't contribute anything to my content.

yeah ,but will be unnecessary , I don't comment to people don't deserve it.