The Impact of Physical Appearance on Society

in Hive Learners23 days ago


Physical appearance plays a significant role in societal perception and acceptance.

This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is Dieting Or Exercise.


"Don't judge a book by its cover."
<< Unknown >>

Image fromHANSUAN FABREGAS at Pixabay

Today we live in a society that is based on appearance, depending on how well a person looks, they are accepted or have a better social perception in their work, in their relationships, and even for finding a partner.

It is clear that if a woman sees a man well-groomed, perfumed, and fragrant, he will be more attractive to her.
Similarly, for a man, a woman who is in shape, attractive, and physically slender will be more attractive to him.

Even in nature, we can see that it is natural for those in better physical condition to obtain the best partners to precisely reproduce and have a better species.

This is something that is in the nature of species, not only in humans but also at the animal level.

I believe that the best way to stay in shape involves a combination of daily exercise and a balanced diet.

Unfortunately, nowadays it is quite difficult to achieve this due to various situations worldwide regarding the purchasing power of certain countries, especially in South America where there is a very large financial crisis, and in general, worldwide in different countries like Africa with extreme poverty.

It is difficult for people to access adequate nutrition primarily because they do not have the purchasing power to afford the necessary food, and in other cases, even if they have the financial capacity to acquire food, those foods may not be available in their region or locality.

Image from Alexa at Pixabay

Therefore, people must necessarily acquire the foods that are sold in their locality or country, which may not necessarily be the most suitable for maintaining proper health.

This is a situation that needs to be analyzed depending on each case because each case is very particular and each person has very different conditions in terms of purchasing power and organic level.

Metabolically, the nutritional needs are different.

A person with a larger physique, volume, and body mass requires more food than a person with less body mass.

Therefore, nutritional requirements vary, and establishing a standard diet for each person is not necessarily the best approach.

Nutrition should be tailored to each individual case, and for this, there are nutritionists and specialists who are dedicated to researching and advising each person on what is most suitable for their case.

Based on this, a nutritional balance would be created for that person, while also maintaining a balance in terms of mental exercise and the diet that person should follow.

I believe that by always keeping everything in balance, the necessary equilibrium can be achieved for every human being.


This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).



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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


today's society is complex than that , obviously there are part of animal society that persist but at least human evolution regrets like is happening that is not totally true.

Can you please elaborate your comment better and explain what relationship it has to my publication? I can't find the meaning, help me understand it.

just what i said society is not based on apparience (that's an animal instinct) matter cause we have an animal brain but shouldn't .There are no laws (laws define society) that give more rights to persons with better apparience

My publication has nothing to do with appearance, it is clear that you have not read the publication.

I talk about other things that are other topics.

Your comment makes no sense at all. 😑

It's a good idea to make comments that have to do with the main topic of the post, which is not appearance.

i certain read the full publication ,i accord with the rest ,but not in that ,i am in my right to comment What i think if you make such declaration even if is not the main theme.

And I have the right to mute you from now on. I don't like comments that don't contribute anything to my content.

yeah ,but will be unnecessary , I don't comment to people don't deserve it.

Love the quote my friend @manclar. But we live in the world of appearances. A very big salute.

Yes, it is a very sad reality, by the way I am finishing laying out tomorrow's post, where I talk about this topic of choosing who to treat (damn flower-eater, I hate it).


🤣🤣🤣 👋👋👋

I still think a nutritionist should be involved when wanting to start exercise or dieting for someone people. But I also think that every country has a unique balance diet, it depends on how you balance yours

That point you mention is very true, each culture and each country has its specific customs and diets, it is important to take that into account as well.

Good reflection and very true. As a person who has been fat most of his life I can assure you that it does affect the way you interact with people who don't know you yet. Sad but true.

It is the reality my dear, there are sectors that are segregated, the obese, the deaf, the ugly, etc.

you have to choose accept that aptitude and do what is expected or change ,what people think about you based on your apparience doesn't define you.

I understand from your post that there should be balance between diet and exercise depending on the person. People with bigger bodies would definitely eat more, but should make sure they engage in exercise that balances the food they eat and their stature.

People should take care of themselves, everything in excess is actually harmful.