I am also happy that the happiness is spread, and crossed oceans and borders. The energy we felt there, and still is lasting - I can't explain that with words. I am not an escritora to do that. But I am sure you already got the idea of that ✨
The songs - which ones you missed? Haha, well, it can't be asked in this way lol. Well, the classical compositions, and then one song by Deep Purple and another by Queen. And then one by Ludovico Einaudi and Yann Tiersen. These two last ones came on the spot, they were not planned, but Lluna said otra, otra so I continued with pleasure.
The trip back went well, though we had to get up again a bit before 4 in the morning. I will need some days to get back to the routine.
El bichito. No se parece mucho a nada, solo a si mismo, porque son criaturas inventadas de Hallmann :) Tendrá su aventura de llegar a España y pasar el tiempo aquí, ya iré publicando 😉