We just did it, nothing was impossible - HiveBeeCon !

I think we made almost an impossible thing.

In my case, I took some free days from my work and flew from Spain to Poland to attend an event that made me very happy. It's not just the event that made me have this exceptional feeling. It's the people, HIVE people that have made this weekend so special.

The #HiveBeeCon event was celebrated on Saturday, October 7, in Krakow, Poland. Many of us arrived the day before so some of us already met that day for a cup of coffee and dinner. You guess what! Pierogi ;)

Although I had a bad headache on Friday, and on Saturday morning too, a few pills helped me to get better and head toward the Starbucks where we were supposed to meet with others and get to the train station. Turned out that some people went to another Starbucks (I will not tag 😋) and missed the train to the Wieliczka Salt Mine. However, all finished well as everyone arrived at the next meeting point you see in the photo below. The entrance to the Salt Mines. We were there, that little group of Hivers, that slowly grew to 19 of us!!


The salt mine was very nice and interesting, I didn't expect it would be that cool. So many passages and so much salt :D But that experience needs a separate post.

We all went for lunch and then again on a train trip back to Krakow. I felt almost like a kid while having a school excursion 😁. And the next destination was...? Of course, The Kingdom! A place I could not explain well with photos and words, as one just has to be there and feel the vibe. Experience the different approach - I simply loved it. I think we all truly loved it, with every little detail and in global, what it represents.



In the Kingdom, we could buy food and drinks for HBD! Oh, yes, we had again Pierogi, and once again I didn't take a photo of it (sorry). I guess I should eat that dish tomorrow again ;)

These little details from @krolestwo can maybe speak about the spirit of it. Of course, I took more shots, but I already want to get to the part of tagging thirty-something people who came to #HiveBeeCon. Maybe the wizard cast a spell, or it was the energy of the community that made so many people come, but one is sure - the event was a blast!




The people... I almost didn't take any photos with all the people I was talking to and hugging (you can't imagine how many times we all hugged each other - all of us.) so thanks to @livinguktaiwan for these two shots, the first one with @priyanarc and LUT and in the second one my other half, @ph1102 also joined the photo session activity!



In the end, there were more than 40 souls in Krolestwo, attending the HiveBeeCon. There were people I talked to for the first time, like @evelynchacin who came accompanied by her husband and their baby who will arrive at the end of this month 😍. It was also interesting to talk to @phortun and @blind-spot. We shared some thoughts about the fate of musicians and musicologists with @justynao, and the same pleasure was to talk to @lpa. Some people who are not on Hive also joined and they almost couldn't believe we all came just to meet. It can be a reason to make some sacrifice and travel to a place, from different countries and meet others that you may know just through the screen?
Yes, it is a pretty valid reason!

We had many nice moments while playing games, chitchatting and eating some snacks, but there were also some musical moments. @growandbow grabbed a guitar and jammed in a duet with another musician for fun. How nice when music unites people.


Then some piano music came. I only hope that the two Chopin pieces (Nocturne in C# minor, and the Valse in E minor), Mozart's Rondo Alla Turca and Tarantella by Pieczonka were enough interesting to my Hive family. At one moment I said that I died... Not sure if I was shy about being in the spotlight or just wanted to bring the best I could for the people we engage with on our platform. We know that there have been more than 10 mistakes people (actually a lot more 😇 ) who could receive that little gift.



Well, not just classical pieces were played. There was a song I learned for this occasion as it was the favourite one of @gandalf 😇. Another song needed some assistance (thank you @deepresearch for being my professional helper in turning the pages 😉). I hope @edje also enjoyed the Einaudi piece and @llunasoul one soundtrack (although not the "Time", but the Yann Tiersen piece).


This was just one part of the audience! But thank you all for the attention and the encouragement 😃🎶

Btw, the piano I played is a digital piano, Kawai, bought with HBD! @hallmann is doing a great job with @krolestwo!


The evening was more than excellent, but Sunday was also spent in Hive spirit. A tasty lunch in a vegan restaurant, consumed by 11 of us (oops, now a mass tagging comes hahaha - @gandalf, @delishtreats, her another half, @zirochka, @growandbow, @llunasoul, @ph1102, @edje, @lemony-cricket, @m31 and the one who writes this post.


But it was still not enough :)

Some of us ended up in a pastry shop taking sweet things... A lot of sugar, I would say!! Mine was this on the right side.


Another activity was just wandering around, feeling the chill air of Krakow and getting back to The Kingdom!! Seems that it is a place we will not forget just like that...

As here we can read some cool stuff, like just do nothing.


as it is impossible.


Though things can change if we look at them from a different angle!

Just do it, nothing is impossible - for this Hive meetup at least, this is more than true!

I hope to see you all, soon, somewhere! 🤗




How great, dear friend @mipiano, that you could travel to attend this beautiful meeting. I'm sorry about your headache, luckily it didn't stop you from enjoying this beautiful encounter.
Thank you very much for sharing all the details of this great experience, I know what it feels like, we also had a meeting between the hives in Argentina
Have a happy start to the week


Wow, that is a very nice and huge Hive meeting in Argentina! I think I recognize @lauramica in the photo 😍

We are so pleased we could make it to Krakow and spend all this time with lovely people!

That was a great day :) I hope to be able to participate in a meeting as nice as that again 😃.

I see we all love these Hive gatherings 😇

Absolutely :)

I can just read your post (I'm a few days late in mentions and comments 😅). How beautiful this meeting looks and how good it was to extend even further. It's always good to take advantage of time with friends and travel a little while passing through. I liked that inscription on the wall, very clever indeed 😃.

I am also late with the comments today 😅

Yeah, that little message was cool 😇

You're so on point with describing the kingdom. It is hard to explain kbk to someone who hasn't been there. The vibe is just different.
I have nothing short of excellence about your concert. You've won hearts with your talent. It might be a good thing that I missed the concert since now I'm determined to hear you play on person in an upcoming meetup haha

As I said, maybe I will be back there this afternoon :D

Come, come, come 🎶 :))

Now you're making mr regret flying back so early 😴


You got so many photos inside the Kingdom! And the bowl of hefroms!!! How cute, where were they hiding? I didn't see them.

So glad we got to meet at last, and I'm sure we'll see again.

Ps, so glad you shared that particular photo of Mr @mipiano @ph1102 he has such a cheeky smile in it!!

Mr @mipiano @ph1102

So that's my full name and surname now? 😂🤣


Good name Mr mipiano :D than PH :D

I found them relatively close to the piano. And I got one as a gift from @hallmann 🤩



What a nice meeting you all had in Poland!


We are still here and spent again the day with some of those who were still around. Unfortunately, tomorrow morning we are coming back to Spain. It is a bit cold here now 😂

My roommate (the one on my profile picture), who had to stay at home, says: he wanted to be here even more after seeing these pictures and reading the post(s). Maybe next time 😉. And yes, eine Audi was very much appreciated, like all the other pieces 🙇‍♂️


You had coffee? I am going now to that castle thingy again, I think there is a museum inside.

Nope, just waking up 🤣

gm then 😂

oh, and this:


😆😂🤣 better later then never

though the GIF is not Starbucks 😂

Here is the real one :)))


hahahaha yes indeed! but the GIF is coffee!
owwww nut not the meeting point Salt Mines Starbucks.
You know, on my day of departure, before I took the train to the airport, I got myself a coffee at exactly that place, the meeting point for the Salt Mines. How could I not see this one on my way to the train station?

Maybe you didn't see it as it was too early in the morning?

Anyway, this from the photo is the one from where we got the coffee on Sunday, before the veganic restaurant. Well, I think it was Sunday... yes, it was.

It was really lovely to meet you in person because I have known you for a long time on the blockchain. You are a genuinely lovely person and your talent is amazing. Unfortunately, I missed the concert because of a dinner invitation but I am waiting for the video. Our photo finally turned out nice and thanks to Peter. :D It was nice to see you and PH together, both of you are amazing. Next time definitely gonna try those sweets. I hope to meet you again... Huggss...

Thank you dear @priyanarc! Yes, our photos turned out cool haha, and natural. 😉
I am happy to meet you and the moments in the salt mine... with the guide girl 😂 , I will never forget that, as it was so much fun. You are making a huge impact on people.

Of course, we will meet again!!! 🤗

Nice photos! If you want to do more, the Kingdom is open today from 4pm [till 11pm] ;)

Thank you for giving us the home feeling this afternoon too, and for the tea! We loved it! And finally, we could meet your lovely wife too! 😍

Yeah, @foggymeadow should regret not being at @krolestwo on Saturday ;)

Thanks for clarifying the username :))
She told me today but it is a bit difficult to remember - now it is clarified 😌

The little Hefrom sends you greetings and thanks for letting him under my protection from now 😇

I look forward to seeing pictures of his adventures in Spain ;)

You will see his adventures in his new country, I promise!

{Very out-of-focus photo, we got up before 4 am 🥴 but that's him, already in Spain 😇}


At 4.00 a.m. I was going to bed... :O

It was so lovely to have met you and your dear husband 😍 I'm jealous that we didn't join you at krolestwo last night. We went to church, had quick dinner and spent rest of the evening in the hot tub on the terrace of our apartment 🙂 It was a weekend full of so many impressions and I had to wind down a bit before going home in the morning.

It's a pity that we don't have a photo together, but I'm sure that we will have another chance soon 🙂

Take care! ❤️

Yes, I know, a weekend full of impressions, emotions, talks, opinions, love, and much food and coffee haha. Today we were again in Krolestwo. Basically, we invaded Dawid's place 😂

The photo... I just forget doing it and I am not really photogenic haha, but enjoying the moment is always a great solution and storing them in my memory 😇

We have our flight tomorrow morning. So getting up again before 4 am 😭

It was great to meet you! Hope to see you again soon and finally take a picture together! Safe trip back home! 🤗❤️

Gracias! It was not an everyday experience to feel so much energy from all the Hive people!

So beautiful !!! everyone and everything!!

I am speechless, as you describe, this is the type of meetings and evenings that I enjoy most in life. And with that atmosphere and decoration it is already the most beautiful thing that can be done. My love from Havana!!!!

I would like this could happen every day, all over the world. But we are busy with our work and all, unfortunately. This gathering stays in our hearts probably for a very very long time - something like forever 😇

That's really great, I can see everyone had a very good time there , it's really nice feeling when you meet people that speaks more less same lenguaje that you do and all have fun together , as you did in October 7 I think you were celebrating my birthday too 😂😂🍷🥂 cheers!!

Happy belated birthday, señor Puma 😋 🍾

We all communicated in English, but there was actually a lot of potential to mix so many different languages 😃 and we did it in some moments hahaha

It looks like a fantastic weekend (not sure about a vegan restaurant though the pudding shop looks spot on!), was had by one and all. The kingdom certainly looks a magical place.

Fantastic and more of it! I think we will remember this gathering for a long time with a smile on our faces! 😊

thats good to hear, certainly a worthwhile journey then

Your happiness is also mine, when I smell happiness in a person, whether close or far away, I am immediately happy too. It is a contagious feeling; however, the world is not ready to share this very genuine and live it as that great feeling that can unite borders, countries, ideologies... I am concerned about recent events...

But well, pierogi... I have to try that one day because it's also a typical Ukrainian thing. That other thing you ate that looks so tasty, lush and sweet, what would it be?

I loved the pictures you took of that magical place. You are always so detailed. And the photos you are in too. You have a very nice energy, a great energy... and the ones of mipiano playing the piano... I've seen so many pictures. By the way, out of the whole repertoire I missed some songs. That you mention and don't mention. Will I be able to enjoy a video recording of this event? 🤓🤪

It was very nice to see you all together there. I was already telling livinguktaiwan, I was waiting for everyone's posts, and yours. You have a nice way of looking at life and one that you know I can relate to a lot.

Look for example at that message you found in English. At least there was one... the others were in Polish.

I hope you have a comfortable trip back and that you continue your week with all the great energy that accompanies you from Krakow.

PS. Te llevaste un bichito de estos cute a casa. Qué bonito está, se parece a Yin. Na... no se parece en nada.

I am also happy that the happiness is spread, and crossed oceans and borders. The energy we felt there, and still is lasting - I can't explain that with words. I am not an escritora to do that. But I am sure you already got the idea of that ✨

The songs - which ones you missed? Haha, well, it can't be asked in this way lol. Well, the classical compositions, and then one song by Deep Purple and another by Queen. And then one by Ludovico Einaudi and Yann Tiersen. These two last ones came on the spot, they were not planned, but Lluna said otra, otra so I continued with pleasure.

The trip back went well, though we had to get up again a bit before 4 in the morning. I will need some days to get back to the routine.

El bichito. No se parece mucho a nada, solo a si mismo, porque son criaturas inventadas de Hallmann :) Tendrá su aventura de llegar a España y pasar el tiempo aquí, ya iré publicando 😉

I see you have a good sense of humor, but a little squirrelly like a...eso mismo. El inglés este qué poco creativo es. The dessert, what was it. The songs, what are they? Esperaré sentada, cómoda, sobre un cojín.


Different languages can cause misunderstandings maybe. Didn't know English is not creative haha. Why do you think it is not?

The dessert was called banoffee. It was creamy and had a bit of banana, too little in my opinion. Would expect more banana slices in the middle, but it was sweet and that's what we went for 😂

Songs. But I don't know which ones are those you don't know. Ok, so the classical pieces, I think I wrote all of them. Child in Time, that is the wizard's favourite one. Don't Stop Me Now by Queen, you know that one when I played it a few months ago. Nuvole Bianche was the one by Einaudi, and Amelie is the Yann Tiersen.

Ah, 😸 fue que me reí yo de mí misma porque dije "but a little squirrely like a... squirrel" ( no es el inglés, soy yo, mi inglés que es malo ) entonces omití squirrel y dije en español eso mismo, pues no encontraba en mi cabeza una palabra que no fuera squirrel. 😵‍💫
Gracias por no tenerme tanto tiempo sentada en el cojín jajajaja... un abrazo mipiano. Lindo día para ti.

Bueno, si el cojín estaba suave, entonces quizás has conseguido dormir en él 😇

Sí, he dormido 😅.

It was quite a beautiful journey, obviating the headache.

What a thrill to have the ways and opportunity to travel to attend a Hive event and meet up with friends.

It all looks very nice.

Beautiful and great, without a doubt!
Would repeat it anytime 😃

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No need to blush @mipiano, You've earned it! Keep up the great work and continue sharing your wonderful posts with the Hive community. 🌹

loveeeeely meetup you guys had there! As I already wrote in livinguktaiwans post....Damn I should have been there for sure!

You should have been! But next time! 🤗

The coda of your post is fascinating! A great meeting, I can feel it even without the visuals, but the pics add 146% to it. This art space you sit at, looks like somebody's living space, so cozy and artsy and warm. I wish I could been to Krakow too,-- definitely the best place in Poland to vizit.

It indeed looks like a cosy, private space, the living room of someone, full of people willing to share their opinions, knowledge and kindness! We saw just a bit of Krakow hahaha, we were focused on being with others, which was the best way we could spend these days here :)

Thanks to our jobs that provide us money and afford to travel; damn our jobs that they require so much time of our lives, that we cant spend it more generously for what we would love to. 😜

I have lived all your emotion letter by letter, paragraph by paragraph and photo after photo hahaha. Possibly I have a headache of joy, and I imagine that the trip and the excitement of arriving in Poland and seeing so many wonderful people influenced this migraine 😅 (normal for us).

What a great time you had over there, and I love that you played the piano, with so many musicians you couldn't be left behind. That place looks great and I see it as lovely as you describe the food too. Loved that photo of the melted candles on the bottles, it's my favorite, but I'm looking forward to that post of the salt mines.

I'm sure there's a lot to discover in your next posts, so far I'm really happy for all of you who have been able to get together and take the Hive community beyond the screens.

A headache of joy? 😂

Well, joy it was. The headache disappeared - it was the crazy schedule and sleep deprivation that was making me have that issue, but it went away with the event 😃

Loved that photo of the melted candles on the bottles

There were so many cute and interesting details that it simply could not fit into several posts haha. I had to reduce just to a few... a really cool space for this HiveBeeCon gathering 😇

Yes, my friend, my migraine is triggered by emotions, anger, sadness and when I get very, very happy, surprisingly, too. The doctors have told me that I have to manage my emotions 🤡 and you know the year I have had, but who knows, maybe they are inventions of Venezuelan medicine 🤣

I know, migraines and other health conditions can be triggered by emotions. It is important to have the mind in peace 😉

Wowwwww what a wonderful meeting with so many people!!!! What a thrill I felt when I saw them, what a shame not to be there, I was just as excited!!!

I loved the place, the activities, but then again the place is beautiful! I like that style.

And the sentence at the end and seeing it from the right angle is the best of all.

Thanks @mipiano!!!❤️❤️❤️

Seeing things from the right angle always helps. Now the question is when is look at one side, how do we know we are observing from the right side hahahaha

Ok, I am just joking a bit, but there were so many cool messages on the walls. I guess they were cool... as they were written on Polish and I don't speak that language 😁

This is a very good reflection, I think that when that happens we have to step back a bit to see the big picture, to think that there can always be another point of view.

I really liked that decoration!

I'm glad you had so much fun there and I hope I can attend the next Hive event. Because I am very curious about your piano performance. Also, I didn't know that you are married to @ph1102.

She's Mrs @ph1102

Hahaha you know how to have fun Pauline 😅

Definitely, she knows 😂

She said that we are her super-couple friends, or how it is being said :D

I hope we can indeed meet you one day, my husband mentioned you many times (he knows you from your Ecency shows). Maybe piano would be played again then 😉

Yeah I'm organizing a show. Why don't you join together once? It could be nice to host you.

Which day and at what time do you have your shows?

Friday and 6 PM UTC, I hope that's okay for you :)

What a beautiful meeting, I loved the place, its decoration was very attractive and the company was very pleasant. I hope your head no longer hurts and that emotions are medicine for the soul. They will surely enjoy your piano performances a lot. Thanks for sharing. A hug from Cuba.
Just do it, nothing is impossible.

This was an intensive and great long weekend (we are still here hahaha)
But tomorrow we are already going home. It passed too quickly!

Así mismo pasé yo la semana anterior. Fue impresionante todo lo que viví. A veces me dolía la cabeza de tanto agetreo. Pero ya en casa todo está más calmado.

Jajaja, lo entiendo perfectamente! Nosotros también llegamos a casa hoy, ahora habrá que calmar las emocones ya 😁

A break in the daily hustle and bustle is always necessary and even more so if it is for things like this. Meeting people and places is always revitalizing and pleasant. With music in between .... guaranteed success, music connects souls, it is the language we all speak. Congratulations for such a beautiful meeting and hopefully there will be more where those of us from this part of the world can be... nothing is impossible ;))

Sorry for your headache...whims of life. Happy Monday.

You also attended one of these events, if I am not mistaken and then joined Hive! How cool is that, right? Sending hugs to you, saludos! 😇

Yesss, that's how it was, at the HiveCubaCon. We were a bit late that day 😔, but not too late 😁🤩!!! There was still @nanixxx 🍀❤️. Thanks to her we are here my husband and me. Learning every day and meeting great people. Un abrazo de vuelta 🤗.

You were not too late, you see. You are here, on Hive, and that's what matters 😇

That's what matters, now let's grow!! 🤗

What an ambient! Place is amazing daamit!

I bet after few minutes of snoozing you were like a brand new, or at least new enough to perform (but we all know you are always ready to)

What is desert? Looks like I want it, now!

Next time you are coming to a bigger gathering too!! 😇

If not, you know, we come 😉

Sounds like I have no choice 😂😂😂

No, no choice 😋

This looks sooo fun, flying to other country just to meet other people, specifically a fellow hiver is so cool. I wish I could do that too and join with you all, someday, maybe ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ. And y'all look enjoying yourselves with this fun hivebeecon meet up. Finally meeting you just talk here on Hive js so so exciting. (✯ᴗ✯)

Yes, it is, it is fun! I had to make some sacrifices on my work but this was a truly worthy experience! 😍

Appears to be more fun and interesting meet up then i guessed in begining.....it is crazy seeing you flying away to attend the hivebeecon....quite enthusiast to meet the fellow hivers...

I loved the idea of going from the beginning, and it turned out even much more positive and superb to meet the fellow Hivers in person 😃

Piano is my favourite musical instrument. That is why Yanni is my favourite musician.


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For a group photo of Hivers on HiveBeeCon (though some of the people are missing from the picture) check out THIS link!

What a beautiful meeting, I loved the place, its decoration was very attractive and the company was very pleasant. I hope your head no longer hurts and that emotions are medicine for the soul. They will surely enjoy your piano performances a lot. Thanks for sharing. A hug from Cuba.
Just do it, nothing is impossible.

Congratulations on the successful meetup of HiveBeecon
I'm glad you were part of it

I'm glad that you made it there and I'm glad that you enjoyed everything about the meet-up
I wish you a safe trip back to your house

Seems like a lot of fun. I will look for it when in Cracovia.

Yes, when you visit Krakow you can find The Kingdom. Just so cool place!

It requires lots of commitment, it's not easy.
HiveBeeCon is a wonderful experience.
"Some of us can live without a society but not without a family". - Amit Kalantri

I can feel your joy and I am so glad, what special moments you enjoyed even with your slight migraine, if @mipiano goes to a meeting and there is piano he must play the piano, I know you were a little nervous, but I already read out there that you did very well.

I love to see the details you show in your posts, those pictures of encrypted messages on walls that only you highlight.

Hahaha, encrypted messages 😂
Just had to spot them, but you can't imagine how many details there were. A lot! 🥳

Thanks @soyunasantacruz 🤗

Love this way of presenting

Just do it, nothing is impossible

Oh dear! Yep.. we were absolutely happy to hear your session! Let’s see when will be the next one 😍 hopefully soon 😘

Hey, I hope you are having a good time with the therapy. Did you arrive well? Did you sleep while Mazin was driving hehe? 😁

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Congratulations once again, @mipiano! Keep up the great work. 🌹

Hello mipiano!

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You're welcome, your post was the best! 😉

Congratulations on winning my new project @hive-lu! It was nice to hear you at the intimate concert at HiveBeeCon.
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