Knowing that there are plenty of others and somewhat feeling better because of it (as not being alone) doesn't sound weird at all to us. Quite the contrary, we believe it might be an advantage if you (your wife and those others or at least some of them), i.e., establish an association (or something like that - we don't know how these things work in your country) of victims of false accusations penalized as guilty without trial.
As (an official) group, you will be stronger as first. Secondly, you might be able to bring it to a higher level and simultaneously inform and warn a wider audience, but quite possibly gain a lot of new members also (with their same, similar, or entirely new cases/examples).
As well, as such a group/association, maybe you'll be able to find a lawyer or even a group of lawyers who would be willing to support you pro bono (free of charge) to support your cause against such illegal actions.
In other words, what rang our alarm bells the most was when you said that one could accuse another (in your case, the Principal who "accused" your wife) with some very subjective, nothing else but pure speculation based on his/her (again) very subjective feeling that raised some alleged "concern for the safety of the students."
Our alarm bells became extremely noisy when you added that it's actually not something written by law but some stupid loophole.
From our point of view, and if there is no law about it, the following questions are raised:
- Who gives the authority to those individuals (like your wife's Principal) to put another person in an existentially life-threatening position (what losing a job with such a label is because of very small or even no chance to find another one elsewhere)???
- Who gives the authority to those individuals (like your wife's Principal) to attack and destroy another person's health (shock, possible depression, and the whole palette of other physical and mental conditions that may occur as a consequence) based on person's in power very subjective speculation???
- Besides being entirely illegal, isn't it also an attack on another person's basic constitutional rights (in this concrete case, your wife's)???
Sorry for such a long reply, but we were quite pissed by your story. We don't know if anything of all that we said would help you even just a bit. But from your previous writings (when your son was in question) and now from this story, we've got the impression (the way you cope with all these) that you are a strong-hearted fighter in the most positive way, and therefore, all the words we dropped here were just to say: we understand and we support you (and if lucky maybe give you some idea or at least send you some positive energy).