in FreeCompliments3 months ago




And if thu hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched (Mark 9:43).


Mammals have four limbs; the hind pair we call the hind limbs and the front pair we call the fore-limbs. In man the fore limbs are also called the hands. Thus every man has
two hands left hand and right hand. The hands are very
essential in the existence or survival of man an this earth.

Man does manual labour work with the hands. He
touches or feels with the hand. Hands help in balancing or in maintaining stability. We use hands to put fond, drinks etc into the mouth for eating.

Hands are used in scratching the body.
We also use the hands in rubbing, scrubbing or cleaning the body.
Almost everything that a person does is done with the
hands. The eyes see, the mind thinks and decides, the legs
carry the person to the place of action, than the hands do.

Thus, hands clap, hit, slap, sweep, cut, catch, throw, rub, swing, hug, lift, pull, write, shoot, slay, strangle, plant,
uproot, harvest, weave, greet, salute, dress up etc.

Some hands pick pockets, force open people's doors to
steal, carry away other people's goods, fall heavily on people and kill them, lay cards - gambler's cards, copy other's class work through ostrich neck" etc. God will certainly punish such hands. (Romans 1:18; Matthew 18:8).
Some other hands do good things, acts of righteousness and things that bring joy and glory to God. God must bless such hands.


After Adam and Eve were sent out of the Garden of Eden. God gave them two sons. The older one was named Cain: the younger one, Abel. When they grew to be young men, Cain became a farmer while Abel was a shepherd with a flock of sheep.

They both had wicked hearts like their parents, and they often sinned. But Abel was sorry about his sins and believed the promise God had made to send a Saviour.

One day Abel brought a lamb from his flock and offered it as a gift to God by killing it and burning it on the altar. The altar was a pile of stones which was flat on top. He built a fire on the altar and put the dead lamb in the fire to burn up until only ashes and bones were left. This was called a sacrifice. By giving God his lamb, Abel showed God that he loved him.

God was pleased that Abel worshipped him in this way, for the lamb was in many ways like the Saviour God would one' day send to die for people's sins. The Saviour would be gentle, patient and innocent like the lamb, and would be killed as a sacrifice just as the lamb was.

But Abel's brother Cain did not turn from his sins or believe God's promise to send a Saviour; and when he brought his offering it was not a lamb, which was what God wanted, but some things from his garden. So God was not pleased with Cain or his offering.

When Cain realized that God wanted a lamb as a sacrifice, and had accepted Abel's sacrifice but not his, he was: angry against God.

Cain was angry against God but took his anger on Abel.
One day when they were in the field together, Cain attacked and killed his brother Abel, and the ground was wet with Abel's blood.

Then God called to Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?"
"How should I know?" Cain answered. "Am I supposed to look after my brother?"
But God had seen what Cain did. God sees everything done in secret or in open and rewards every one according to his deeds.

Therefore, God declared that Cain must wander from place to place as his punishment for killing Abel - always afraid, and with no home to stay in. The ground was cursed because of Cain, that it would no longer yield much crops.



Careless hands commit murder, steal, fight, take and receive bribe, idle and refuse to work at home or at school, break plates, cups and pots.
Careless hands beat up younger brothers and sisters
for no just reason.


Careful hands render services of kindness to others, work at home and at school, play only after they have finished all the works assigned to them.

Careful hands never pick up anything they see on the road, be it money, books, pens or any other article that does not belong to them.

Careful hands do not hold fowls, goats or dogs to slaughter in a shrine as sacrifice to idols.


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