FITNESS FRIDAYS: The Lunge and Jogging

in FreeComplimentslast month

Hi all, Welcome to my FITNESS FRIDAYS post

Finally after 2 weeks of absence from FITNESS FRIDAYS activity, I have managed to finish s challenge again. Every week there is a challenge for an exercise here on Free Compliments community, and that's what we call Fitness Friday!!!

Preparation For Jogging Challenge

We have a jogging challenge starting from today, however I could not do that today because I am still in recovery AGAIN lol. I got some balance issue again several days ago and I decided to rest for days. Usually I post everyday on HIVE but not for the last two days because I decided to get more time to rest.

It's not like I can not walk or wake up from bed. I still do daily routine, working and traveling to some places. I do some walk everyday, but not running, jogging, or jumping.

Above are some shots I took earlier, because I was looking around on my neighborhood to get some good route for this jogging challenge. I do not want to jog around a busy area, or some alleys or small streets which have frequent speedy bikers. There are a good alleys that are good for jogging but can't be used for it because some teenagers often drive their bike on high speed there.

The Lunge Challenge

Even I am not well, I still do this week lunge challenge. Due to doing this challenge, I knew well my balance issue was still there. Even earlier today I was sure I was ok, but after doing this challenge half way, I realized that my balance was not firm yet.

And that's the sole reason I skipped today challenge, I wanted to make sure I was ok before starting the jog challenge.

Ok back to the lunge...

I have been doing the lunge challenge in my room, while barefoot. I do not use mattress or yoga mat, because the tile helps me a lot in adjusting my foot and position.

The tile helps me set the width for my lunge too. I use a narrow stance because on my condition it is easier and doable. You can do the lunge from the floor first like on this youtube:

some people call it narrow stance, some call it close stance. It is not about which is the best one or which is better, but it's more using the method suit you best based on your condition or body type.

and here is my recap for the lunge challenge

1 - Friday1 set (5 left 5 right)
2 - Saturday3 set (5 left 5 right)1 set in the morning, 2 in the night
3 - Sunday4 set (5 left 5 right)2 set in the morning, 2 in the night
4 - Monday3 set (5 left 5 right)2 set in the morning, 1 in the night
5 - Tuesdayskipped the challengeI could not finish 1 set, so I took an offday
6 - Wednesday1 set (5 left 5 right)
7 - Thursday3 set (5 left 5 right)1 set in the morning, 2 in the night
8 - Today4 set (5 left 5 right)2 set in the morning, 2 in the night

So I could not make a continuing progress due to the balance problem I had starting on the monday night. I wanted to go for 3 sets on that night but somehow I could only finish 1 set.

All the sets I could not finish was not because I did not have strength or endurance, its more like I was losing my control or my balance and my body got swayed left to right. We need to take any exercise with the right form, right movement, else it's not exercise. If we can do it right, then reduce the intensity or the repetition.

My Leg Exercise

In general, I am a small dude with weak body. My health is below average, so I easily get sick and I have many auto immune problem. However on certain training or exercise, especially leg training, I am quick to catch up.


The reason is not because I have strong leg DNA. In the past I regularly took running events, mostly at 10 km to half marathon 21 km distance. That's why with some little trigger I could train my leg and get faster progress than my other body part training. The worse one right now is my core, I have a very slow progress there, still below 1 minute time for plank.

To finish a running event, we need to prepare ourselves weeks before. Starting from training our muscle by doing lunge, squats, step up, back extension and plank or push up. Then we train our stamina or endurance by taking some cardio exercise.

So doing Lunge, Squats, and Step Up is easy for me in term of strength, because my old menu was way harder than what I have just now. For example when I was training for Borobudur Half Marathon 7 years ago, I could do 4 sets of 12 lunges with dumbbells on my hands with half of minute rest between each sets.

Well, thanks to long Covid I got years ago, after I recovered I got many auto immune symptom and I think I could not recover to my previous condition. But that's how life goes anyway, we need to move forward and get some training to prevent our condition from getting worse.

Thank you for reading my post, and I think you join our Jogging Challenge for this week

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see you next week again !hiqvote

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I don't care that it's a week late, the important fact is that you managed to do it to the best of your ability! Strong work, and I love that you still go through these challenges. I sincerely hope that they continue to benefit you in the long run, and that you'll be able to improve your balance.

I know that balance was a significant issue for me when attempting one-leg squats, but in my case this was due to imbalance of strength in small muscle groups - your imbalances may related to your medical conditions, based on your prior experience with leg exercises. That's much more difficult to fix, but you seem to have the dedication to improve it. Either way, keep up the outstanding work!

My imbalance come from either my left ear / left part of my head, or back spine (I have scoliosis issue). I have consulted with some friends who are medical experts, they all recommend me if I really do not want to spend thousands of dollar just to find out the root problem, I should improve my lifestyle, which are better quality on dietary, maintaining mild and medium workouts, and reduce my workload / change job.

That's why I love to join some workout / exercise challenge, else I might get lazy and end up forget to exercise or reducing the load LoL


LOL love the gif!

Honestly, I don't think it should be that expensive to get basic testing done to find the root cause. It would likely come down to a few imaging studies. I'm not sure how it works outside of the U.S., but here the costs for routine imaging (as long as it's approved by insurance 🤢🤮) wouldn't be extravagant.

the initial test and check up is around $200 if I come to a clinic. If it is a service from hospital, it will cost me around $300-400. Then after it, there will be 1-2 more test before any medical team can make any recommendation about what to do next.

This area is outside of any health insurance here. Some people here said that it is a rich people disease, because mostly only rich people who come to get modern treatment, most people prefer to go with alternative or traditional medication.

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