Splinterlands - Season 144 - Is it Halloween?

in Splinterlands6 days ago

Season 144 is over and I managed to reach only Diamond III this time. I wonder if there are more people playing modern and it is getting more competititive in the top tiers.

This season my ranking was just 2900 vs 3060 last month, but I earned 65k glint compared to nearly 64k last season. I am thinking if it would be worth to get more SPS staked to increase my glint earnings as they seem quite low.

However, I think the multiplier doesn't have too much effect over 100k SPS and whether that is worth it or not?

At the start of the season I continued my strategy of stacking common and rare cards, but then I changed strategy and now go for the major chests first as I have managed to get some epics and legendaries which seem to be the best value glint for your money. I did buy some ultimate chests, but they were a disappointment as usual.

I continue to buy merits too so that I can try and speed up the gathering of my Glad cards.

I was lucky to pull another Quora Towershead and could level her up to level 3 finally!!

I have been waiting a long time to get to level 3 with the very useful immunity ability which really helps in many matches with her. I was lucky that after leveling her up, I could play a match with her straight away and smash win too.

The next milestone is to get Quora to level 5 where she gains the dispel ability next and that would make her even more powerful.

My soulbound progress is going well with 34%(+2%) of common cards and 21%(+5%) of rare cards completed. My legenaries are now at 4%(+2%). I got a few epics, but nothing to move the dial yet. I hope through major chests that I should start to build this area up. My common cards are leveling up pretty fast, so I am not so worried about them now tbh.

As I was playing the game, I noticed some cards have been changed for Halloween. Have you seen any?

I had one really great match against the mighty Kralus who is a great life legendary. I managed to overpower with Quora, Oaken and Kron combination. I really hope the team introduce some new game modes outside of ranked so that older cards keep use cases and can be used for fun games like this.

These older cards have dropped so much in value its insane. I was looking at some of the prices I paid for my top cards and the value has totally plummeted. For example, a key card in the fire deck, Forgotten One, I paid $33, you can pick up on the market for just $6...

Who would be incentivised to buy cards at the higher prices when they are overprinted and then rotated out of modern. I cannot imagine to buy any rebellion cards at the current elevated prices. A level one legendary cheapest is just over $9..

Now players are used to playing with max level cards as standard, so I expect the prices of these legendaries also to fall if they are to get purchased. The reality is that the NFT hype is gone and they are falling to their real utility value.

My glad cards progress is still very slow. I gained just 1% on my rare cards this time.. they are pretty hard to level them up and complete the collection.

The price of DEC, SPS and Hive has remained pretty flat during the last 2 weeks during Uptober. Notably the company DEC supply has been falling to 149m DEC right now. Maybe we will start to see DEC price drift toward the peg again as this runs out.

There still seems to be a massive oversupply of SPS in the market and it doesn't seem appealing to buy any more as I cannot see it going up in value. The SPS to rent in the market is snapped up straight away at 0.002 DEC, so there also seems to be an abundant supply.

Attracting new players would not be easy with the overinflated cost of new cards and the complexity of the game making it difficult to learn. Any investment looks like it would rapidly lose value, so like Hive, there is no buying Splinterlands assets for any NGU action. The strategy of the team seems to be just hope that the remaining year in the bull market will lift all boats and cause some euphoria.

Considering the small size of the game, it wouldn't take much to move the prices of things. As I consider myself as someone who thinks a little more medium to long term, I can only think of the carnage we might see in 2026/27. Fingers crossed it won't be so bad for the alts this time as we didn't see much of a pump so far and the trend of Bitcoin dominance doesn't seem to be changing - are alt seasons a thing of the past?


When looking at the crypto market inflows each week, the inflows seem to be going 99% into Bitcoin only.

Thats all for this update.

How was your season?

Thanks for reading.


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Things pretty much look doomed. There are still players left who are willing to buy whatever new set they put out but as Rebellion has shown, this group clearly continues to shrink. Close to zero new players will come in since they need to have the belief that the cards that they buy could go up in value or that they at least could get good earnings.

Splinterlands gameplay to outsiders now just looks like a simple flash game with a crazy cost attached to it at 4$+ a pack and thousands needed to be somewhat competitive not even talking about the previous set while getting crushed of them is near guaranteed. The only way to get away with this is in peak delusional crypto hype stage which is unlikely to come back since there are so many holders who are looking to dump. What the hell are they expecting.

Also, how does it make sense to sell more cards while there is a crazy oversupply just to cover the costs developing the set and the cards while it will further devalue the older ones.

You are right. Now with leagues removed and the massively printed soulbound cards, standard play is now max level. Not many will pay $5k+ for a new deck with the massive depreciation that will come with it and for this gameplay.

They probably could sell many packs if they put them at a sensible price level $1 each... the days of $4 a pack are done!

I still think there is no guarantee of another alt season, Bitcoin dominance is just going up.. all inflows are just to Bitcoin... one thing is sure, the NFT hype is totally faded..

imo altcoin season will be way more selective on coins where people have the belief they can do a crazy multiple. In other words, memecoins which will suck out all of the speculative value from most other memecoins.

I had the town hall on in the background and it's crazy how positive they still are kind of ignoring all the problematic aspects of the situation right now.

The only hope Splinterlands has is to create a game experience for new players which is so much fun that they don't really care too much about making money on their investment. The game is just very far away from that and I would argue it used to be a whole lot better in the past when things were way less complicated. Too many cards, too many confusing game rules and abilities, SPS staking requirements now on top of owning cards, ... it's all just too much to be interesting for new players.

I agree. It is a similar story on Hive. The new things are gonna pump, not old stuff so bag holders can dump on them.. the fundamentals need to be fixed and sustainable things done, the time for blagging is coming to an end.

Totally agree with the myriad of rules, ironically it makes it less human friendly and better for bots. Not taking bots out of the game is a huge mistake.

At the end of the day, it is what it is and the team will do what they want and players will either leave or adapt. I think you mentioned in only will make sense to have Soul Bound decks going forward..

did you see the chests are halloween style as well?

Ah I didnt see that so clearly! I really quite like the Glamour things though. Could be pretty cool.

o.o yes gotta wait and see how that goes. its similar to that skin concept i mentioned many times. they need revenue streams or more ways to get money into ecosystem

Yes, this would be a good way I think.

yes lets go. have you played OTG?

No, what's that?

off the grid. the next hype web3 game


Ah yeah there should be NFTs and a token or?

I heard but didnt play yet. Downloading now. Cheers! :D

If the splinterlands team make some solid decisions the 2027 potential carnage might just not be the game's fault but the fault of the bears. Honestly I don't know whose decision it was to rotate cards out of modern despite the cards costing a lot of money.

Congratulations on that Quora

@tipu curate

Thanks Quora is great. Yeah you could be right there, it is so far ahead that we cannot really say what could happen and what stage the game will be in by then. If we see a big runup in 2025 for Splinterlands, it could change everything.

I also think they need new game modes, not just ranked so we can use our older cards.

Thanks for your support.

Exactly, we probably need new game modes so that older cards can be relevant, it's saddening to see the plummet in price

I'm not even sure I am going to participate in this coming season. I will still keep doing brawls, but I don't have the DEC coming in like I used to with rentals to support the fee for playing.

Oh I am sorry to hear that. I did see on a stream by Aftersound that the rental market has completely died.

Yeah, it totally sucks! It's pretty annoying what has happened. All I can do now is wait and see what they do with land.

yes. I guess they still gonna develop it now, but it looks dead in the water right now.

Great job on the Quora! I'm still waiting for that last card to make it to level 3 as well! Nice job on the glint as well, getting those commons leveled up will be important.

I did pick up another Olivia, I still need one more to reach level 2, so that was exciting. Not quite as another Quora would have been. The Halloween cards are kind of fun, and the chests are Halloween themed as well.

Let's see how SPS and DEC fare in the next short while. SPS has been holding it's own for now, let's hope it holds. Those older cards are cheap now, I think we've all lost a lot on those investments...

Thanks, I am really chuffed with the Quora, it has taken a while to get to level 3!

Congrats on your Olivia, I have a feeling that having the core glad and soulbound cards will be the main sets to have until their is some price correction on the cards.

Whilst I would like to buy some new cards, I am more hesitant to spend $30-$50 on a card when it could drop in value so much. When it is $5-$10, it is not such a big deal. I can see cards more orientating to this value unless there is an uptick in demand. How can you play with max level soulbound and level 1 NFTs!?

Who would be incentivised to buy cards at the higher prices when they are overprinted and then rotated out of modern.

The issue of cards when they come out of modern is one that should be taken much more seriously because if Splinterlands does not give new use cases and new value to old cards who will buy packs and cards from the new set when it comes out?

Thanks for sharing! - @zallin

Good Work, thanks for sharing!