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RE: Couples relationships | Memoir Monday (Week 27)

in Silver Bloggers4 days ago

In love with the photographs, it is a reality that they both look gorgeous there, seeing a before that takes us to the continuity of the now.

I liked your recommendations, they are very valid. One believes that one can make other people change those things that we don't like. Doing that charade of asking questions or those couples tests give you insight into aspects of the other person that you may never ask about.

Preparing through a course can help a lot. Sharing with your partner in different scenarios with friends, family at work makes you observe behaviors that you would not normally see.

Without a doubt, I think they are good advice drawn from life experiences. Counseling couples perhaps. They are of high value when saying yes. Very successful and sorry for the length, the topic is very good, without a doubt, very well explained.
A hug. @irvinc

Enamorada de las fotografías, es una realidad que se ven guapísimos los dos allí, ver un antes que nos lleva a la continuidad del ahora.

Me ha gustado tus recomendaciones que son muy valederas. Uno cree que puede hacer cambiar a la otra personas en esas cosas que no nos gustan. Hacer esa charada de hacer preguntas o esos test de parejas te dan a conocer aspectos de la otra persona que tal vez no preguntas nunca.
Prepararse a través de un curso puede ayudar mucho. Compartir con la pareja en diferentes escenarios con amigos, familiares en el trabajo te hace observar comportamientos que normalmente no verías.

Sin duda alguna me parecen buenos consejos sacados de experiencias de vidas. Asesorando parejas tal vez. Son de alto valor a la hora de dar el si. Muchísimo éxito y perdona lo largo, es que esta muy bueno el tema, sin duda alguna, muy bien explicado.

Un abrazo


You leave me a nice comment my dear @sacra97 . I'm glad you liked the photos. In the first one we had only known each other for a few months. And the last one is after thirty-five years of being together. I always thank life for putting her in my path. Damarys has been a great companion. Thank you for being attentive. A big hug from Maracay.