My Experience of Using HELIOS.VOTER: Russophobia or Unfortunate Mistake?

in #censorship8 months ago

Now is the time to touch on one unpleasant subject.
I tried to avoid it carefully, as it didn't concern me personally before, but here I directly faced the Russophobic censorship on the Hive.

I'll introduce myself first! I am a Russian-speaking Ukrainian, I am on my own land at home. Here I try to draw public attention to the topics of war crimes of my country's government, terrorist activities against civilians, the consequences of funding the neo-Nazi regime on the economies of all of Europe, the persecution of the Orthodox Church by the government and the transfer of church property to schismatics.

Adequate discussions with opponents of any point of view are welcome here, as long as they take place within the bounds of decency and appeal to facts, not emotions.

Under one of my posts comes Russophobe and put a negative vote without any explanation. He has every right to do so, but I also have the right to find out what exactly he did not agree with or what in my content could hurt him!

I want to improve and I need feedback from readers!

Since I didn't get any food for thought from my guest, I decided to test the Helios service on him by buying him the lowest possible negative vote. This is the first time I've tested this service to purchase a negative vote. All the more such content deserves it and without my purchase!
See for yourself the content of a user with a reputation of 71+, who unfavorably evaluated my

Apparently my offended fellow countryman knows who to complain to, or it's an incredible coincidence but:
On the same day, yesterday, the Helios administrator -@theguruasia manually withdrew the votes I had bought because they did not comply with the rules, which were published the very next day!

In between those two comments, my account has not made any posts or ordered a vote for any contet! What was going on there, who influenced this decision, we will hardly ever know for sure, but clearly not a supporter of Slavic conservatism.

Of course nobody is in a hurry to return the spent coins to me, but I will hold off with accusations of scam and fraud.
Perhaps just now the Helios team is looking for a compromise mutually acceptable solution to the conflict in exchange for my burned tokens and their refusal to fulfill their obligations.
Maybe it is still possible to make it look like an unfortunate misunderstanding. Let's see.

My blog is not, has not, and will not attempt to insult anyone. Unless you are offended by the truth!
With my truth, I don't go first to people's blogs with points of view different from mine. My goal is not to annoy my opponents with spam in comments under their publications and incite disputes and quarrels, but to maintain my own resource, where those who wish can familiarize themselves with quality analytics based on verified events, cited by reputable media! Discuss on topics of interest, ask questions.

The associations it evokes are:
This situation reminds me of Facebook with its censorship algorithms.
They don't directly say that someone's point of view contradicts "party politics", they just hide the content from the audience.
In this situation, HELIOS has acted as a censorship tool, with the help of which Russophobes prevent the spread of undesirable information to a wide audience.

At the same time, you openly state in your commentary that out of many other conflicts, only the Russian-Ukrainian conflict will be censored by you
US or Israeli special military operation is good, let's talk about it, Russia's special military operation is taboo??
Why we as civilized people should not discuss the political realities of everyday life, facts, and can not draw the attention of the general public to serious problems of our time with your service???

How do you think participation in non-proliferation of information contributes to the security and stability of the countries you comment on???

Regarding my article, from which you took a screenshot for your article.
Did you read the text? Did you understand the meaning?
There I wanted to say that Italy is following the path of Ukraine, a state where a lot of images like the ones you condemned in your screenshot have appeared.

Such images irritate many people, because it is always unpleasant to be deceived into being on the side of the states supporting Nazis and committing terrorist activities. (To recognize one's own mistakes requires a level of self-awareness, which is not inherent in everyone. But it also requires a sufficient level of awareness to make the right decisions and grow in self-awareness.

What annoys you more, the sfastica itself, or the fact that it is abundant in Ukraine?

On the promotion of your discord channel by attracting users under the pretext of a way to exclude them from the blacklist there is the following to say:
I don't use Discord, and I'm not going to install any applications to dialog with you about violating your retroactively published rules. I am ready to discuss your claims publicly right here.
To which I urge all those interested in this matter!

generated by bing on the query "sun-faced hive censor obstructing free speech"

In an ideal world, a customer has the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the rules of use of a product before purchasing it. Decent counterparties when changing the rules of the transaction give time to get out of it without loss to those who disagree with the new rules, but this is in an ideal world and with decent partners...

We have an expression "Everything will be Ukraine", it's a pity if it starts to happen with Hive even faster than with Steemit!


Best is, if you completely forget helios.voter and move on sharing your interesting first-hand content from this area! I happily support you (without any coins😀).

Guys are on their way to oblivion.
Out of kindness, I decided to contribute a little to their endeavors instead of silently forgiving them for their rudeness.
I would be very pleased to have you as a guest on my blog. I try to make it interesting and comfortable for all of open mind people.
Glad to meet you!

"I don't use Discord, and I'm not going to install any applications to dialog with you about violating your retroactively published rules. I am ready to discuss your claims publicly right here."

Well, scams and frauds abhor censorship resistance, for obvious reasons. Discord is a surveillance vector - but not for the edification of the principals of a conversations, as is Hive. Only for those with the scratch to itch the wallets of the purveyors of that mechanism. At least we can make do with screenshots of conversations on Discord, and those have revealed insufferable behaviour of censors, scammers, and frauds all too often regarding downvotes.

"...I will hold off with accusations of scam and fraud."

Nonetheless, the fact of it testifies to Guruasia's commission of it. Sadly, it isn't uncommon for the ilk that promotes death and destruction of innocent civilians. When such horrific crimes are easy, little scams and fraud are nothing.


I was too tired yesterday to react right away.

I am grateful for your attention and words of encouragement.
I am very pleased that my broken English is ready to be read by adequate people with common sense like you!
Precisely because of my poor command of the language, I am not ready to go to the chat room, where I will have to fight off a pack of Russophobes who do not watch their words.
Screenshots of their inadequate aggression will not help me in any way, especially since the barking will be done by people who have nothing to do with the situation and bear no responsibility.

On Steemit, with all its disadvantages, such cunning scammers, who consider themselves smarter or richer than others, were dealt with quickly and without alternative. But here, they've started some kind of liberaSSism

It's shameful that there's no one in the entire Hive to put a pack of self-important frauds in their place.


@vp-freelance passed you the virtual joint!
If you do not want to receive these comments, please reply with !STOP

It's amazing, seemingly serious people, and for a few coins, so disregarded their reputation. I have not encountered such a problem. But my content is not as explicit as yours either

HELIOS is shittoken, now you paid with your time, nerves and money to find out that. experience is not free. just keep this in mind, and dont interfere with it anymore.

I think there's a lot of promising fun going on here, and other than the reputation of Helios and his minions there are no casualties in this situation

What are you talking about? The reputation of their main account is -12, surely that says something.
Yeah, it's a story about 30 pieces of silver))))

I think we should end this dialog before I too am blacklisted for sympathizing with a propagandist))))))
Good luck in your fight!

I too used to think that keeping your head in the sand is best in situations that don't involve you personally.
In the end, thanks to a low level of passionarity, we lost our country!
Tomorrow they'll write new rules that say you can legally get ripped off yesterday, then we'll see who you want to discuss it with and how happy you'll be to "gift" your tokens.
Or KYC will require you to go on their discord channel because you're keeping your pork in improper conditions. lol

Take care of yourself and yours all!

I hope this kind of nonsense doesn't go to their heads. Reasonable people, worried about their profit streams!

Hi @vp-freelance,
As mentioned earlier, we do not support the war against Ukraine. In our perspective, every country should respect the sovereignty of another. It's disheartening to see that you may have forsaken your own country's interests due to Mr. Putin's actions.

I won't engage in discussions with mindsets that accept the killing of their own countrymen, women, elderly, and children for Mr. Putin's agenda. People are more open-minded than that. Every country or team may have betrayers, so your statements here don't surprise us. However, neither HELIOS nor UPME will support this war or any content related to the topic.

Unfortunately, we cannot resend your burned tokens; they are burned to @null, and that's final. If you decide to publish content unrelated to these conflicts, we will consider removing you from the blacklist.

In conclusion, I wish you all the best, and I wish for a peaceful sky over Ukraine. I extend respect to the brave men, women, and children of that country standing strong against the world's second-best army, fighting for the survival of their nation. Let's hope this conflict ends in 2024.



we do not support the war against Ukraine.

don't be a hypocrite! this blogger (by the way, a citizen of Ukraine) is not a military man and does not participate in the war. he applier his efforts on reporting the facts and the situation analyzis. this is fair game, rediculous that you consider it as part of military activity directed against Ukraine that you dont want to support. by “shooting” him, you support only Censorship at Hive.

@vp-freelance @captainklaus @valued-customer

thank you for your words of encouragement.
you are absolutely right, I am against the continuation of war and bloodshed on either side.
But I have no influence on what is happening in my country, only to share my impressions about it.

only to share my impressions about it

which is worth a lot! Thanks.

Fair game has become such a rare thing, and Hive seems more and more bad at it.

@theguruasia you should listen to @qwerrie.

This conflict could have ended a long time ago with negotiations, which Zelensky has banned by law! Now we have no chance of surviving against the second army of the world, especially with the rate of aid you are providing!
No matter how much you admire the selflessness of people caught walking their children to school and sent to die by force for the interests of our oligarchs, whose relatives were taken abroad at the very beginning, this does not cancel the documented war crimes of the Ukrainian military, including against the civilian population of Russia and Ukraine!

Only a court of law can brand a traitor, not a person who confessed to stealing 30 tokens.

I do not speculate about the politics of your country, where I have never been, on what basis are you condemning me for speculating about the politics of my country, where I have lived all my life? Have you lived in a country with a banned opposition where you can go to jail for 12 to 15 years for spreading FACTS?

Are you not making enough money from the Hive to pay back the tokens taken from me for your service's unfulfilled promises? Or is your reputation not worth 30 pieces of silver?

Do I understand correctly that we can agree to remove me from the blacklist if I don't buy your votes for articles concerning Russian-Ukrainian issues? Is it even possible to agree on anything with you, are you authorised to do so, or tomorrow you will be ordered to make up new rules for blacklisting me for new reasons known only to you?

My previous comment contains all answers for your reply. I don't keep your tokens. You burned them the moment you request for a vote. Better you ask @null to resend them instead of me. I wish you all the best with your works on this chain.


Are you sure you're all right in the head, or is there some benefit to playing the mindless one? I was starting to worry about you! Let me know if you need help.

I transferred my tokens to the Helios account. Do you have anything to do with this account?
What does this have to do with @null account ???

I don't ask you for my interactions with @null, why are you trying to covering your dishonesty with a technical account? You had nothing to do with @null!
By that analogy, you should have blacklisted @null instead of me.))))

The screenshots confirm that a refund is possible, why are you trying to lie to me and evade responsibility?

I don't care what you did with my tokens after you got them from me. If you changed your mind to follow the public offer you stated and refuse to return the coins you received, that's outright theft. It's a shame that a project that thinks it's okay to cheat its users just by retroactively updating its rules is allowed to grow in Hive. It's not about blockchain and true freedom!

It is very symbolic that you sold your reputation for 30 silver pieces - a direct analogy to Judas betraying Jesus for the same price!
I believe you could have a good career in the European Parliament. People who are able to take someone else's money with a nonchalant face, who are able to blame their victim for the fact that it was their own fault that they were robbed, are valued there.
Try to think about it

Has my account been removed from the blacklist yet?

Please check that your tokens have been transferred to @null, and as a result, they are already burned. We undo the vote when reviewing your content, so we cannot refund what you sent.

If you are having difficulty understanding the mechanism we use, it doesn't matter; just believe that I scammed you, I am not arguing.


You have taken payment to provide a service, and then refused to provide the service. Either you have scammed the customer, or you will refund their payment. You have chosen to refuse to provide the service after you took the money paid for that service. That is the definition of a scam.

"...just believe that I scammed you, I am not arguing."

This has nothing to do with @null. Either you're a thief, or you're not. Your above responses directly state you have taken the funds of the customer and are a running a scam on Hive. Your refusal to refund the payment makes you a thief.


I believe it's better if you refrain from accusing me without understanding how the system works.

Let me clarify the process:
@vp-freelance sent two vote requests, and the system checked his blacklist details, content size, etc., and proceeded with the votes. Once the votes were released, the tokens were sent to burn, and we have no access to those tokens again.

We monitor each post either before or after the vote is released. Upon reviewing the content, if it doesn't align with our point of view, especially regarding the sovereignty of a country and our disagreement with Mr. Putin's actions, we manually undo (0%) the vote. This is not just for upvoting but also for downvoting.

I'm not a fan of flagging; I had to trigger a flag instead of a 0% vote (undo the vote), but that's not my preference. The vote was already released (tokens burned), and we re-voted with 0% to remove the reward. We didn't scam or steal his tokens. We disagree with the content he provided, so we re-voted the same post with 0% to remove rewards instead of using a flag.

I hope this clarifies what actually happened here. If we were selling votes, platforms like ecency and others would be doing the same. However, unlike them, we monitor each vote released by our curators and undo our votes if they reach the wrong end.


It's a shame that on a decentralized platform there are individuals who, at their own discretion, determine which content is worthy of promotion to a larger audience and which is not.

I wouldn't have had any complaints about this transaction if your rules had been published before the purchase of your votes. Publishing rules retroactively is not about decentralization and blockchain! I hope you realized that from my example.

Why did you spend two days here like a snake in a frying pan if a refund is possible? Have respect for other people regardless of their point of view and do not humiliate yourself. It may turn out that someone else's point of view was much closer to the truth than yours.

Have the courage to admit your mistakes!
Don't label people without a court order. Especially if you represent some structure or organization like Helios. Learn to keep your mouth shut.

You want to help defeat Putin? We welcome mercenaries and even pay them well. Russia is open to entry and exit - act, the SBU will instruct you! Or better yet, forget about it and devote yourself to creation

Don't hold a grudge against me. My information campaign is aimed solely at ending the bloodshed by informing the world about the absurdity of the situation.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me in this situation. When people like you are around, it is worth a lot.
@valued-customer, @captainklaus, @antisocialist, @stayoutoftherz, @qwerrie @baah... As well as everyone who has supported with votes and been on the side of truth with me!
Congratulations to all of us. This is our common small victory of the system!


This is how every Bandera supporter's blog should be displayed. Pleasing to the eye

Sorry, but to "disagree with the content" one provides on Hive, is not a valid reason for a downvote. A downvote is to fight against scam, plagiarism, personal insults or illegal content like child porn, but not just the use of free speech! In fact this is what Hive makes unique, that everybody can express his opinions, without being censored! If you attack this by a downvote, you directly attack free speech!
And like @vp-freelance said, you should have warned people that you would apply an additional political censorship filter that prevents rewards from posts of opposing opinions. In fact you better add this now on your explanation posts, so that people are warned in future and rethink if they want to send money to such a voting system!

I explained my points clearly and simply. None of that crap you just stated matters in the least.

You offered to provide a service, and took payment to do so. You then decided not to provide the service and kept the money. That is a scam. It is fraud. You may take umbrage at my accurate description of it, but you yourself have stated that fact.

"...just believe that I scammed you, I am not arguing."

Those are your words, not taken out of context, and disrobed of the blather about process and @null. You took his money per an agreement and did not perform the service you agreed to, and have the audacity to keep his money - to steal his money by an act of fraud.

Your character alone, not your process, your love of Zelensky, the blowing of political winds, or any other matter whatsoever, is the sole reason that is the fact. Given that circumstance I could give a damn about your beliefs. Keep them to yourself. I'll watch your actions to ascertain the facts about your beliefs, because those will reveal the truth, every time.I can clearly not trust your words.

Edit: let me shorten the quote from you to it's essence.

"...I scammed you..."

live with that, and your 30 tokens.



This is too much to ask of the project management to right the wrong of enforcing rules established after the fact?
With customer service like this you can understand why this coin is likely to fail, at some point.
Good luck with that.

The mechanism of burning tokens is very clear to me, as well as where you can get them!
Judging from your messages it turns out that you deceived me. On the instructions of the boss was deceived, or from your personal considerations - it does not matter. What matters is the fact of fraud on your part, which you admit.
The fact that the burned tokens can't be returned is as clear as two times two. It is also clear that if you valued your reputation and were a decent person, you would have found me another 30 tokens to replace the burned ones or their equivalent.
This isn't about 30 tokens! It's about your boorish attitude towards others from a position of power.
I would like the hive to be a place of justice, not who is strongest is right!

Are you deliberately avoiding answering the question about de-blocking?

Nowadays European Parliament seems to be an idol for people who cheat for profit or to support their illusive narrative while actually simply mismanaging funds.... obviously the guru learnt from the best, which are the worst psychopaths ever.
What's that anyways, vote-selling-biz? I thought we were beyond this.

I, too, thought this stage was a thing of the past, along with the steemit

Someone in the Hive is interested in such business, since only Helios is allowed to conduct such activities here, and not fair to others users!

Сan see who has delegated the most HP to Helios. In all likelihood, he's the one who's calling the tune at this casino.


Yep. I also thought this intolerable financial corruption was a thing of the past.

It is astounding to me that the sum at issue is literally 30 pieces. The comparison to the 30 pieces of silver paid to Judas to betray Jesus is unavoidable.

In addition, I am struck by the pettiness that makes all of this happen. I would have paid out of my own pocket to not have so much negative hype around my name ever.
Okay, I, an unemployed fugitive, have a huge amount of time to play this game. But the opponents are like serious people, with significant sums in their accounts, which an average citizen like me would never dream of investing in cryptocurrency, participating in this group humiliation for 30 coins.... I don't understand it, but it's very amusing.

You obviously have a strong bias; if Hive was open and decentralized you should NOT act on it.
But the way it is, you are just in line with some other actors who censor Hive 'in the name of good'. You are obviously too full of yourself.

Yay! 🤗
Your content has been boosted with Ecency Points, by @authors.leage.
Use Ecency daily to boost your growth on platform!

You cannot defeat the truth with a lie. And evil will never defeat good.
Good is not presented the way you do.

That is why nationalism is doomed to defeat!

You explain what hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers are dying for in Ukraine, who will never return to their mothers, wives and children.

Evil is doomed to defeat.
The good did not start the war and did not attack other countries or kill people.

Not even on May 2nd?

You mean Prigozhin? Where is he? What did he want?

You'll ask him when you see him!

You explain what hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers are dying for in Ukraine, who will never return to their mothers, wives and children.

You explain what hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers are dying for in Ukraine, who will never return to their mothers, wives and children.

Maybe defending own country from aggressive Banderovites aspiring to Nato, or maybe cleaning my land from people like you?
Honestly, I don't know. Have any thoughts?

Do you know why the civilised world does not believe Russia? Because people there are smarter and therefore live better.

Because the civilized world, like any other world, consists mostly of sheep, who tend to believe the corrupt media.
You're proof of that!

The idea is simple. That war is evil. And theirs is not a war to defend themselves, but a war of aggression with the murder of others who have decided to live and live freely. As for attacking the world's second largest army with nuclear weapons, you have to be very clever to come up with such a thing and believe it.

Is the saucepan preventing you from accepting simple ideas?
You can live and develop in peace without disturbing others.
If you start threatening, have the power to carry out the threat, or you will have to answer for it

That 'good-bad' is very academic in that case.

You should think about what you spend your life on. And what the consequences of your actions are. You have to live with it. If you don't know what's a lie and what's the truth, then I feel sorry for you. If you knowingly lie, then get ready to answer for your lies before the laws of the universe. A sane and normal person cannot bring good and happiness through war and lies. What you do for others, you will get for yourself.

What you do for others, you will get for yourself.

I hope so! 🙏

You explain what hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers are dying for in Ukraine, who will never return to their mothers, wives and children.



This post has been selected for upvote from our token accounts by @vp-freelance! Based on your tags you received upvotes from the following account(s):

- @dhedge.bonus
- @dhedge.pob
- @dhedge.alive

@vp-freelance has 0 vote calls left today.

Hold 10 or more DHEDGE to unlock daily dividends. Hold 100 or more DHEDGE to unlock thread votes. Calling in our curation accounts currently has a minimum holding requirement of 100 DHEDGE. The more DHEDGE you hold, the higher upvote you can call in. Buy DHEDGE on Tribaldex or earn some daily by joining one of our many delegation pools at

I'm with you on the return of the tokens, at this point, due to the ex post facto application of the rules.
IF we allowed folks to declare 'crimes' after the fact, fewer people would be outside the prison system.

I am against vote buying in general, including paying for delegations, I don't really see a difference, but had the rules been published prior to your post then posting in violation of them would signify your willingness to lose them.

I don't know what helios sells for, but 30 tokens to make one's self look fair and above board seems a small price to pay, to me.

I absolutely agree with you, it's about publishing rules ex post facto for a specific situation!
We have a negative experience with steemit:
While some work hard to improve the core and ecosystem, others parasitize the fruits of their labors by simply trading their votes, without adding any additional value to the Hive platform

I almost forgot
The cost of a vote is 5 - 15 coins