A week or so ago I wrote a post about how little snow we have got around here. Well it seems my I jinxed myself, and we got a few inches of snow that stuck around for the better part of a week. It was so fluffy and lots of fun to play with. I took the dog out for a run in the snow and she loved it.. Doing her helicopter dog thing as we ran through it. Good to see her still having fun at her old age.
Solo selfie
I enjoyed running around in it as well, its such a novelty to me. Where I have lived throughout my life we have had little to no snow. So when we get it I try to go outside and enjoy it.
The view outside was so nice, with all that fluffy snow filling every inch of ground around me.
We ran out of small wood during the snow storm, so we had to go collect some smaller pieces. We bundled up and got it all over in a short amount of time. Due to how cold it was getting we are flying through the firewood.
The UTV does great in the snow, did not even need to use 4 wheel drive mostly. Unless we were going uphill, then it got a little slippery lol.
When the sun came out it got rid of the snow on the southern facing slopes. We can see how little there is on this hill of mine.
Looking in the other direction to the north just about everything down in the wood line was still snow covered days later.
We use the sawzall to collect the small stuff.
Some how collecting firewood in the snow was fun, maybe I would get bored of it after doing it a few times. But my Mucker boots kept my feet dry and the just about right amount of clothes kept me protected.
Hopefully we will get more snow this year, as this is the time it usually happens from my limited experience with it.
My post talking about how little it has snowed here: