# Winter is not coming - Splinterlands Ranked Rewards Season 41 Report

in #splinterstats5 months ago (edited)


Reaching CL III, not a bad season, probably because I may feel more comfortable at Diamond I, with more chests to farm daily.

Match Report


Champion Rank374
Rating3979 - Champion III
Rating High4105
Ratio (Win/Loss)0.88 (157/179)
Longest Streak6

Decent win/loss ratio, 0.88, with 157 matches won and 179 lost.

Rewards Report

Standard Foil Cards
Total Standard288
Gold Foil Cards
Total Gold31

Loot Chests

Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotal💲Token
Legendary Potions26367330🟡 13200
Alchemy Potions139249388🟡 19400
DEC00-🟣 0
SPS184.90685.081-⭐ 269.987
Merits18663582-🎀 5448
CHAOS Packs000🟡 0
Cards (Total)206113319-

Captured DEC/SPS (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned
157🟣 0 + ⭐348.404

Total Ranked Play Rewards

Total Ranked Play Earnings
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 32600 CREDITS
⭐ 618.391 SPS

For this season, 319 cards in total, with 31 Gold - 26 Common and 5 Rare, and 288 Regular - 190 Common, 85 Rare, 8 Epic and 5 Legendary. Quite a lucky season, I may say.

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount
Staking Rewards460.606
Ranked Rewards as above618.391
Brawl Rewards19.878
Land Rewards343.665
Tower Defense19.944
Liquidity Rewards1.483
License Stake Rewards243.563
NET SPS1707.530
+ Voucher Drops102.518 🎟️

This season, without counting the cards, I made $32.60 in Credits, $42.16 in SPS and $3.43 in Vouchers, for a total of $80.52

Also, I am getting close to my target, as I reached 140K stakes SPS. 150K is not that far now.

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.


Seem like the season was quite good
I wish you more better ones!

319 cards!

That's right, reaching this rank is not easy, it takes hard work and if you've done it with a lot of hard work, you've got a good reward within this season.

!sbi status

Hi @mightyrocklee!

  • you have 3 units and 0 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 104536012943 or 0.047 $
  • you need to wait until your upvote value (current value: 0.016 $) is above 0.021 $

Structure of your total SBI vote value:

  • 93.16 % has come from your subscription level
  • 0.00 % has come from your bonus units
  • 0.00 % has come from upvoting rewards
  • 0.00 % has come from new account bonus or extra value from pre-automation rewards

    Have you seen our website?
    It's a great resource to check your Hive SBI levels, along with your history of who has sponsored you and what upvotes we have provided you!