Most of the time these "battle reports" are about successes. Yet failure is just as instructive. Or even more instructive. I'm going to write about failure today. Which I'm going to try to reverse.
My #cesky guild has 15 members. I'm just an ordinary member. Are we playing well? Are we playing badly? No. We don't play at all. What's next?
We seemingly went into the last Brawl with three of us. Actually, I'm playing for two accounts.
I don't think I played badly. But considering the overall results, the award is not appropriate.
To bring a little optimism here. Even those few merits were enough for me to buy the Gladius deck. And Captain Katie isn't bad at all.
Some players are still playing and even investing in the game. Others are not playing. And a few of us play "part-time". What about it? I want to reach out to all my guildmates and ask them what to do next.
Those who don't want to get involved are of course entitled to do so. Just please write it down. I don't know if it would be better for him and the guild if he left.
I don't really know anything. I'm just asking us to think together. The next part will be in Czech.
Translated with
@ibelin , @timehacker , @jedenjenda , @vocode , @softa.spl , @tazi , @godfish , @hohoklada , @shebe , @zirky , @cryptoinvestsvk , @zeero22 a @greenmask9 !
Investovali jsme do téhle hry různé množství energie, peněz a nadějí. A naše gilda nevzkvétá ... Budeme se ji snažit nějak resuscitovat? Má to vůbec smysl?
Vážím si lidské práce. Vidím, že někteří z nás do gildy dokonce ještě investují ... Není to už jízda na mrtvém koni? Není čas rozpustit gildu a přidat se do jakžtakž funkčních gild?
Nevím. Chci se tímto zeptat na názor. Prosím, @shandalar a případně další, co mají načtená pravidla víc než já, aby byli tak laskavi a vyjádřili ho. I někteří z členů gildy mají své účty i jinde ...
A to je celé.