in #oneup5 days ago

As promised in the previous post, we are sending you ONEUP tokens to make up for not being able to send many rewards during the week. This should help cover our backlog.

Next week, we will try to be more active, but we still have two busy weeks of work ahead before we can have some free time to catch up on our delays.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

@florenceboens: 4.54
@cookaiss: 4.54
@elikast: 5.30
@emaxisonline: 13.70
@manuvert: 15.14
@bambukah: 15.14
@clavdio75: 9.98
@isiksenpalvoja: 1.82
@synergized: 7.12
@luislrt: 93.56
@cantfoldaces: 10.60
@myrolite: 7.28
@albator85: 2.68
@alenox: 2.27
@yann0975: 1.67
@cleanplanet: 0.20
@c3r34lk1ll3r: 0.42
@faustine.books: 0.61
@rocinanteprimo: 0.11
@satoshinakam0to: 0.15
@cryptoyzzy: 10.55
@no-advice: 69.13
@treefrognada: 0.52
@justclickindiva: 0.30
@phanty: 5.06
@successchar: 15.14
@duke77: 2.46





Dear @token-thx, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @faustine.books.



Dear @token-thx, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @isiksenpalvoja.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
faustine.books tipped token-thx
@successchar(2/15) tipped @token-thx
florenceboens tipped token-thx
isiksenpalvoja tipped token-thx



Dear @token-thx, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @florenceboens.

!BBH 👍


More than one token, totally cool!!



Et merci pour les ONEUP!