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RE: The Case of Mondays

in #monday8 months ago

Politicans claim they want to fight inflation and protect the little guy from taxes, but do they ever propose sound money or the repeal of individual income, property, or capital gains taxes? No. In fact, they're floating a "wealth tax" now. Just like the income tax in 1913, we're assured it'll only ever apply to the 1%. Sure...


Why even tax us at this point when they can "borrow" infinitely?

America did just fine before all the random taxes bs before the Feds.

Well, you can't run a police state or wage perpetual global war on just a low import duty. But don't worry. The Modern Monetary theorists have this all figured out. A cycle of printing money for cronies and taxing the productive will somehow make us all fabulously wealthy because reasons!

Lol yeah.