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RE: Meme dump time!

in #meme11 months ago

That looks like a pretty decent pizza for being outside the US. That last meme fits my wife perfectly. She loves people watching and listening in on conversations. I couldn't imagine having to start over again with dating at this point in my life. Hats off to you on that! I seriously thought the one about coping with stress was going to be something like we make veiled references to obtuse issues on social media and then hundreds of people tell us they hope we are okay. Because I think we all know someone who does that! Jovi gets up every time we get up too and it breaks our heart because she clearly struggles so much to do it. Even when we tell her to stay, she is slowly trying to get her legs under her :P


The Pizza Hut here tastes a bit different than USA but it is basically the only pizza place that has consistency and in my mind that is absolutely essential. I want to support the little guys but when the pizza i order one week is totally different than the one I had last week, I can't give a business like that my money or attention.

Dating sucks now bro. It's all apps and people are actually not very willing to meet / talk to strangers in public anymore. It's not an advancement that I am pleased with but if I am going to meet anyone, I have to play these stupid games.

I've seen some of the other pizzas you have shared over the years from Vietnam and Thailand and this one looks the most normal of the ones I can remember seeing. That sucks about dating. I'd probably do okay because I suck at face to face communication, but I still would struggle.