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RE: Memory Monday. Some precious memories from my high school days (Es-Eng)

in Qurator3 days ago

Hola, feliz inicio de semana, la verdad es que a mi tambièn me agrada mucho #memoirmonday, es como dice @ericvancewalton, ir haciendo un estilo de diario, ademàs de recordar momentos que quizàs lo damos por olvidado y està allì.

Cuantas memorias de esas èpocas.


Hello, happy start of the week, the truth is that I also like #memoirmonday, it's like @ericvancewalton says, making a diary style, besides remembering moments that maybe we take for forgotten and it's there.

So many memories of those times.



El desafio de esta semana ha sido genial, me trajo muchos recuerdos hermosos
Muchas gracias querida amiga @mercmarg por apreciar mis recuerdos
Que tengas un dia hermoso

This week's challenge has been great, it brought back many beautiful memories
Thank you very much dear friend @mercmarg for appreciating my memories
Have a beautiful day