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RE: My Journey Through the Graphite World - Fisherman.

in FreeCompliments4 days ago

You are absolutely right in pointing out my mistakes. This is my caution, and lack of understanding of the tonality of objects at different distances from the viewpoint due to lack of skills. I hope that I will be able to overcome this with more experience in drawing. Reading your comment, I see a professional artist who uses a very familiar terminology :) !VSC !LOLZ


I definitely think you can! Recognition is a key to improvement.

I'm absolutely an amateur with no formal training, but I had this same issue at one point. Having it pointed out was a gift upon which I focused until it became second nature.

I still struggle with this, although I try to be more savvy in the dark area, but for now, this is a swing that can tilt one way or another. But this is not a reason not to draw when you want to draw. I put the moment of self-study in the background, because you can know how to do something, but not have inspiration, inspiration is primary, for me :) !LOL

Exactly, I just draw when and how I want to, haha

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