How do I pronounce your name? In my head, I call you Tidy n Rain.
I am sorry about you and your girlfriend's break up, you made a nice-looking couple.
#11 Brought this to my mind.
I would like to hear your thoughts on what has happened to me many times in my life.
I have what some might call daydreams but they are different from a normal daydream. The last one I had was several years ago. I was driving to another town to fish and saw myself on the edge of a flat, which is shallow water, I was catching fish. It is like I am actually there, I feel, smell, and see everything around me, even the other boats. I do not know how I can drive and be somewhere else at the same time. It is hard to explain.
I put my boat in the water and with a strong urge to stop I drove past the place that I saw, I went all over and did not catch anything. I was headed to the other boats, thinking they must be catching fish to be bunched like they were, I got to where I saw myself, and 3 pompano skipped. I stopped and sat there without another boat around me and had a good catch. The other boats were just as they were in my daydream.
I wish I could see the winning lottery numbers, I would not ignore them. lol