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RE: Getting Spanked for Telling the Truth

in #informationwar9 months ago

Absolutely spot on 100% 💪

You might be interested to join us in our agorists/anarchos matrix room:

and/or check out some of the like minds on

We also have Crrow777 and other awake minds on

Would be cool to meet you next month here at anarchapulco too :)
Peace, Love and Agorism


Nice try 😄

Thanks! The issues I have with most Agorists is that They would retain the accounting for Our energy added into a system, while I see that money (in all forms, from trade/barter to electronic bits) is unnecessary in today's abundant world...

The Foundational Function of Money (article):

Things Made to Last (article):

The ONLY Tool (article):

"money (in all forms, from trade/barter to electronic bits) is unnecessary in today's abundant world" - How will I pay someone on the other side of the planet for their product which cannot be produced here in my town? How will I pay 500+ suppliers for making me a new smartphone? If we all agree that various cryptos can be exchanged for various products and services worldwide, then I don't see the problem "electronic bits" for payment.

Agorism to me, means that I do not have a leader, but at the same time I look for ways to render the existing control structures obsolete and I help to build these new systems. I hold myself accountable as you said, adding into a slavery-free system. Some people are privacy coin purists, but I believe in balance, yin/yang.. We also need transparency coins like Hive so that I can see exactly where my payments are being spent. Hope that makes my views a bit more clear :)

You won't have to pay. They are living as richly as You. doing what They love to do, while robots are doing anything needed that no One wants to do. Well... You may pay with thanks, appreciation, and other social currencies, accounted for in Our hearts and minds.

The problems with electronic bits are the same for ANY energy accounting token - the psychopaths amongst Us WILL find a way, Ethical or unEthical, to get the most and then pay People to do Their dirty work towards agendas.

Also, when We have money involved, We ALL must add energy to survive - and given 80% of the "jobs" being done now merely move Our wealth up to the psychopaths in control, I am unsure how You envision Us ALL living richly while there is money keeping Us from Our wealth...

Trusts (7 min):

While there is money ensuring a Few get rich, a fair number do well, and the vast majority struggle.

The Foundational Function of Money (article):

The ONLY Tool (article):

Have You Noticed That I Ask For No Money? (article):

Heart-Driven Economy vs. Greed-Driven Economy (article):