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RE: Greed is a Symptom of Energy Accounting

in #informationwar4 months ago

When I heard talk about a "social credit score" being implemented in the west, I had to pause and think a moment: we already have a social credit score, it's called a bank account. The better your credits are with the bank, the more rewards society will give you in exchange for it. As long as your are constantly receiving more social credit points from others (through manufacturing products, providing services or selling your time for slave-wages), the more society rewards you with credit and an increased standard of living.

Inflation devalues those credits, meaning more work, production, time, etc will be required for the same standard of living and social credit score. And those who have been working their entire lives to build up a good score soon finds they have to work even harder just to MAINTAIN their good score and standard of living and will find it very difficult to advance.

Lending is taking some of your own social credits and allowing another to leverage them for their advantage, expecting a LARGER social credit "payment" in return. Enjoying the credit of another person's work, without having to work yourself. Then you can lend that "extra credit" (that required no work to earn) out again, and repeat the process over and over.

"The rich ruleth the poor, and the borrower is servant to the man that lendeth." Proverbs 22:7

The Federal Reserve and other institutions like it are the ULTIMATE lenders, entire NATIONS borrow money from this SOCIAL CREDIT GENERATOR, which they then distribute among it's people through smaller banks. They do not earn credits by working, they INVENT them at their own discretion and for their own purposes.


Good observation! I quite loathe the practice of accounting for Our energy added, especially when 80% of the "jobs" overall merely move wealth up to the psychopaths in control.

And just wait until They get the CBDC's going... Now, You have some control over that credit score. If We don't do something, the psychopaths will control Us completely.

I am well paid in Your attention in reading and commenting! I am enriched! 🙏