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RE: Name your favorite authors on Hive

in #hive4 months ago

There are so many amazing authors on Hive, but unfortunately, there is never enough time to read them all. But here are some of the ones I try to read frequently. @tengolotodo, @ifarmgirl, @palomap3, @lizelle, @nanixxx, and @ph1102 are some of them.


Awe thank you @coquicoin, that's a big compliment coming from you; you are one of my favourites as well<3
I also wish I had more time to read!


Thank you very much! ❤️
It's an honor to be among such great authors!


Super Eli ... What can I say ... so I shall just 😘 💙


I thank you and am honored to be on your list of favorite authors. I am very touched to know this. Thank you.


Great selection!

Aww it’s a big honour to be in this list! Thank you so much, dear. ❤️🤗


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