!hivebits isn’t working for me sometimes. Like this morning. It’s been 5 hours and nothing.
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Yeah, but it doesn’t seem to work sometimes.
!hivebits maybe can only work on certain types of posts? Or just the bot can’t keep up you think?
Like @thatgermandude mentione; when RC is low, you will not receive the graphical notification. But you should receive your hivebits. Also... the command does not work on this, the main accounts blog page ✌
sometimes replies are turned off due to RC, you should still get your hivebits though
The thing is that when resource credits get low, I turn off the notification. This makes it look like nothing is happening, but it is. You can always check yours at on an explorer or on the Discord. I see yours seems to have gone through: https://he.dtools.dev/@amyx?symbol=HBIT