The Wandering Gun - Part 1

in Scholar and Scribe2 months ago


4 ACI - (After Confederation Invasion)

       The bar was loud.

       Like everywhere in Zeelis, there was no respite from noise. Outside, the rebuilding efforts created a wave of machine chaos; churning, drilling, hammering, and blasting.

       The old shells fell, and the new foundations were laid. This city would stand tall and fill the void left in the wake of the invasion.

       At the perfect time of day, one could hear the last worker down tools, which seemed to signal the rise of a new type of chaos. Transports would ship people to the livable areas of the city, but rather than sleep, they would wake up, to attack the night.

       The bar was loud.

       Kai sat on his stool, resting his forearm on the bar, staring at the full glass in his free hand.

       After each interaction he had in this place, he realised, more and more, that no one was here by choice.

       They were all drawn here through necessity. Most wanted to forget, some needed to find the courage to sleep, others wanted to blow off steam, and a few were looking to pocket the wages of anyone they could skim money off of.

       He found himself wondering once more. He didn't know what it was he was looking for. An opportunity? Perhaps. So long as it was worth the effort.

       Maimed Triskani, drank with scarred Humans. There were many people huddled in tight pairs or trios. It was easy to spot the ones looking for similar opportunities. A passing glance would be met with disinterest, but staring longer would cause them to glare.

       Kai knew how to attract attention, but he knew how to fall among the shadows. That was a skill everyone should know. Trouble was easy to find on every rock throughout Free Space, but avoiding it was paramount to survival.

       Winged Rotchi communicated inaudibly in one corner, flicking their wings, and using face rubs and hand gestures to speak. The unwinged Rotchi had to learn to speak basic, for a chance to talk. Looking at them, he wondered what they were doing in this place. Many worlds outright banned them, and they even made harbouring them a criminal offence. Others didn't criminalize their kind, however, mod rule determined that they weren't welcome.

       "I can sell anyone, to anyone. Anything to anyone." Kai heard a raspy voice, bellow.

       Sitting comfortably, a Sottan lay back on a chair custom designed for its large frame. Flanked by multiple Gnosian guards, the Sottan spoke with elevated confidence.

       "I am lucky to be in the right place, at the right time." The Sottan spoke, before taking a drink; spilling much of it down his front as he did. Lazily he swatted the water droplets. "Some people are too foolish to see an opportunity, but not De Meck, no. De Meck knows much."

       Kai found himself entranced, staring at the Sottan as he lay back swiping at some more droplets. De Meck's eyes darted up to meet Kai, and he let out a slight grin.


Wow we could make a whole movie with this Story 🫡🫡😳👌😍🥂

Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it.


You must be killin' it out here!
@killerwot just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @theringmaster.
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Absolutely it's simply wonderful... that's some great work there friend

This is a great setting

Like everywhere in Zeelis, there was no respite from noise. Outside, the rebuilding efforts created a wave of machine chaos; churning, drilling, hammering, and blasting.

I like how you let the world come out organically throughout the story, but each paragraph is nicely chiseled and packed with information. It has a sense of epic proportions like the grand space dramas of yore. Very nicely written.

Thanks so much man, I'm delighted that you're enjoying it. I decided to timestamp this one so I can work out a timeline of events for each story.

This is set 4 ACI, which is 4 years after the war ended, so the world being reconstructed and the governments regaining control is very present.


I think a timeline is a great idea when you're dealing with multiple events. JK Rowling plotted Harry Potter this way.


Jesus that's crazy, but maybe I could find it useful to jot one of my own down, just so I can have a rough map to go by.

I think I'll print it out and keep it for inspiration. That is a great way of creating an overview of the story.

You must be killin' it out here!
@killerwot just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @litguru.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

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