The Need For An Emergency Fund Can't Be Over Emphasize

in Indiaunited2 months ago (edited)

Nowadays, keeping some money aside for the rainy day is all the more crucial for people owing to uncertain circumstances prevailing in society. An emergency fund is simply an indicator of security to either you or your family in case of sudden events that call for some money to be spent. All of us at one point or another may experience a medical emergency, job loss or other home emergencies for which an emergency fund will see us through.


It is now evident just why it is so important to have savings in cases of emergencies. One of them is that it can assist you in not going indeed into debt when you have bills to pay or other emergencies. If there is no emergency fund created then people turn to credit cards, personal loans, or payday loans to meet their expenses. When this happens you can end up making high-interest payments and further nurturing the vicious cycle of debt.

Also, having a talk on creating an emergency fund is important as it allows to be financially stable during the crisis. For instance, if you have to change your type of employment or your income drastically reduces, you would not be stranded because you have savings to meet your needs of life till you secure another means of income. This can help to ensure that you do not have to take rushed decisions concerning the finances that you have while also avoiding a situation whereby you will be forced to rely on the government to provide for your needs.

An emergency fund can also buy you more freedom, or at least, financial freedom in terms of decision-making. Likewise, when you have some savings in buffer, one can be able to take calculated risks for instance, start his/her own business, or invest in his/her education. The belief that there’s something that can sustain your financial needs in case of the worst gives one the confidence to vent into dreams and take charge of the financial unknowns.

Nevertheless, it is incongruous that when people understand the importance of having an emergency fund, they cannot save for one because of several factors. One of the most significant hurdles is the importance that they do not know where there is a piggy bank to save for anemic. But one can save even a little amount starting from today and the amount accumulates over the period of time and provides a cushion in future. People need to set up an emergency fund as it is similar to other goals, for example owning a house or saving for retirement.

Separate challenge that arises when people attempt to build an emergency fund is the attraction of spending the money saved on unnecessary items. One must understand what is necessary and what is luxuries to avoid spending this money in any frivolous expenses. This way, pumps your emergency fund into a separate account where you can only access it in a time of an emergency, you will be able to strongly avoid this issue and actually stick to your savings plans.

Thus, to start an emergency fund, you should follow reasonable goals that your budget will allow, such as $500 per month. Ideally, the prepared emergency cash should encompass a minimum of three to six months’ worth of living expenses. Some examples of ways to automate your savings include using the direct transfer where money can be moved from checking account to your true emergency funds, or use of an automated tracking system that avails the budget progress.

The need for an emergency fund can't be overemphasized.

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