What is steroids and why our generation moving towards steroids?

in Indiaunited3 months ago (edited)

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Friends, hope you all are happy and healthy. Friends, the more new discoveries are made in the medical field, the more man becomes dependent on new discoveries and technology in the medical field. But the more we depend on technology, the more our lifespan will shorten. So it is better that a person should not resort to technology or medicines unless necessary. Today I am going to talk only about steroids which will be very important for the young generation.

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Steroids are a kind of poison that slowly kills humans. Steroids are a type of hormones which we inject or insert into our body externally. These steroids make our body the home of diseases. As long as the body releases hormones on its own, there is no problem, but when the body does not release hormones or there is hormonal imbalance due to increasing infection in the body, then we need to take steroids from outside and that too.

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The problem arises when the body does not need hormones but we use body steroids without monitoring and without any supervision. We can build a good body by doing exercises at home, but then the tablets or power we use to build the body or to expand the muscles is wrong. Then a time comes when the body does not produce hormones on its own and becomes dependent only on external steroids. If we stop steroids after this situation arises, then that time can also be fatal for us. Because we are not fulfilling the needs of the body.

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Steroids have many side effects such as it increases blood sugar, changes the regulation of blood pressure, increases the risk of osteoporosis, increases the chances of infection, especially the chances of fungal infection, increases body weight. It increases which also leads to obesity and many psychological effects increase which should not happen. Therefore, avoid using steroids as much as possible and if you have to take steroids, then contact medical experts. Because your body is you.

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The importance of exercise to the human body cannot be overemphasized. Thanks for sharing.

Definitely my dear brother

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Steroids indeed are good for the health but that's only when there's an indication for it, without those indications, steroids are dangerous to the body and should be avoided.
Steroids should always be taken under the doctor's prescription.
Nice insight bro

Thanks for acknowledge by your comment, definitely steroids are good but It's only for emergency or indication otherwise we should not consume it. I hope other people see and understand the complication of steroids.

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