in Hive Pets5 months ago

Hello pet lovers, today I have the pleasure of posting again in this #Hive Pets community, and I come to introduce you to my new pet.🐕‍

I recently had the opportunity to visit a childhood friend Josefina, who has dedicated herself to picking up abandoned dogs on the street and finding them a home, a very noble task on her part.

When I got home I had eight dogs to give up for adoption, I only wanted one, because I need a guardian for my house since it was closed most of the day and some criminal acts have already occurred. He told me that he had very good breed dogs. from families who had emigrated, but did not leave their pets abandoned and condemned to die, they gave them to her because they know of her love and dedication for dogs, but when I arrived at her house all my plans changed, little Dumbo stole my heart.♥️





This is the beautiful Dumbo, a Pekinese girl who was born without a front leg and that is why she got tangled and fell just like Dumbo, that is why they named her Dumbo when she was a female and everyone loves her, but no one adopts her because she is disabled. They had even given her an anti-flea collar. And she is very affectionate but she was born with that limitation and Josefina was really very worried about Dumbo's situation, the others are bigger and much more agile, when she served the food the others got ahead of them and even They mistreated her and she had to intervene and she did not always have the necessary time.

When I saw my daughter playing with Dumbo I didn't think twice and decided to adopt her, I didn't really solve what I was looking for but I put Dumbo's needs above my own.

I don't know if I made the best decision, I just know that I did what my heart told me ♥️, now I would like to know what you think of my decision and let me know in your nice comments. I wish you a happy afternoon. ♥️🐕‍ 🌹

The phothos were taking by me with my pnone and editated with canva

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Awww what a beautiful baby she is. Bless you for giving her another home and family ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

Thanks, she is so tender.

Que linda acción has hecho amiga, esa perrita todo lo que necesita es amor y ustedes se lo darán 🥰

Seguro que si. Gracias por leer ♥️💋🐕‍🦺

Esa perrita ha llegado a un lugar donde será amada , me alegro por ella y por ti querida @babyl 🌹🌷🌻🌸💐🌺💮🥀🌼🏵️🪷☘️

That little dog has come to a place where she will be loved , I am happy for her and for you dear @babyl 🌹🌷🌻🌸💐🌺💮🥀🌼🏵️🪷☘️

My doughter is very happy and she thinks is a New toy 😅😅Thanks 🐕‍🦺♥️🌹.

Mi hija está muy feliz y ella piensa que es su nuevo juguete 🤣🤣gracias. 🐕‍🦺♥️🌹

El amor de los niños es medicina para las mascotas 🌹🌷

Children's love is medicine for pets 🌹🌷

Amiga adoro los perritos , los veo tan inofensivos y tan llenos de cariños para dar desinteresadamente , ese acto tuyo fue un acto noble muy pocas personas hubieran asumido esa responsabilidad , estoy segura que Dumbo encontró el hogar ideal ❤️

Gracias amiga por apoyar mi decisión.

Una decisión magnífica 🙌👍

Dumbo is beautiful, it fills me with joy to know that she now has a home, that despite her disability, she will be able to receive all the attention she needs. Best wishes to her and welcome Dumbo to the community 💚

Thanks for your nice words. ♥️🌹🐕‍🦺

Awwwww!!!... Lovely creature!

!discovery 26

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