Demystifying the Prostate: Understanding Its Anatomy and Potential Issues

in StemSocial8 months ago

If you are a man, then you have a prostate and you might be so shocked to hear that prostate is a common type of cancer in men but then you ask; where is the prostate, what is its function, and how can it be identified.

Prostate is derived from the greek word "prostates" meaning "the one who stands before" the prostate is a gland weighing 1oz and it is about the size of a walnut. It is located internally but can be possibly felt by people who can curious. Found within the pelvis alongside clutches of several organs, the prostate is located above the bladder and held by various ligaments.
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A man's urethra passes through part of the prostate which is known as the base and right beyond the prostate is the rectum. Surrounding the prostate is a capsule made of smooth fibers and elastic connective tissues with a number of similar cells from within. The tissue of the prostate can be divided into four different zones which surrounds the Urethra. Right in the middle of the muscle fiber and connective tissue is the transition zone which is the smallest of the four part of the prostate. The transition surrounds the upper third of the urethra as the passes through the bladder through the prostate. After the transition zone is the central zone, then the peripheral zone which takes up about 70% of the entire zone.

The prostate has multiple functions and it is close to the digestive, urinary, and reproductive system which makes it very worrisome when there is a problem. The prostate is important in the urinary system and the reproductive system. It is important in the production of fluid which makes up semen. While the Testes make sperm, sperm isn't semen and the prostate make prostatic fluid which is combined with the sperm and other secretions from the bulbourethral gland, and the seminal vesicle. These fluids are mixed together in the Urethra. The prostate also helps to push the resulting semen to the Urethra and out.

When the prostrate pushes semen and sperm to the urethra, it blocks urine making it anatomically impossible to urinate and ejaculate at the same time. The prostrate uses androgen hormones such as testosterone to function correctly. When testosterone reaches the prostate, an enzyme known as five alpha reductase converts into a biologically active enzyme known as dihydrotestosterone is needed for the prostate to develop properly. As men grow older, the prostate changes sizes and as men grow the changes in size of the prostate as a result of increased size can lead to a problem which can be benign known as Benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Although Benign prostatic hyperplasia isn't harmful, it can still lead to problems as it can affect urinating when it presses against the bladder. This is common in aged men and is as a result of enlarged prostate leading to a frequent urge to pee, a somehow full bladder even after urination, strain to urinate and pain while urinating but then it is important to state that Benign prostatic hyperplasia isn't Prostrate Cancer and let me reiterate that Benign prostatic hyperplasia cannot lead to Prostate cancer.

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The major cause for enlarged prostate leading to Benign prostatic hyperplasia is yet to be known but there have been possible risk factors and causes such as changes in cells of the prostate and testes can lead to it, as people who have one or two of their Testes removed do not develop Benign prostatic hyperplasia although there haven't been a direct link between the testes and prostate enlargement. Other risk factors are overweight, and family history, and it can be treated, and making dietary changes can also help to shrink enlarged prostate.

People with enlarge prostate can suffer from prostatitis and people who suffer from this condition can suffer in difficulty urinating, cloudy urination, and bloody urine. This prostatitis can be become bacteria prostatitis which occur as a result of bacteria leaking into the prostate. Chronic protatitis is a more severe one and although the cause is still unknown, researchers believe that it can e caused bu microorganisms, nerve damage, chemicals in urine, and urinary tract infection.

Just as men can suffer from prostatitis, another difficult condition that has to do with prostate is Prostate cancer. It is as common as skin cancer, and it is very deadly. This cancer affect older men in the 50s and 60s and it can be hard to detect as in some cases it doesn't cause any symptom. PSA levels can be used to determine the likelihood of a person having prostrate cancer but it is not a certainty for it but then it can be genetic as family history can play a major role in increased risk of prostate cancer.

In the journey of understanding the prostate, from its Greek origins to its intricate anatomy and potential complications, one thing remains clear – knowledge is power. Empowering oneself with insights into this vital gland enables proactive health measures. Whether grappling with benign conditions like BPH or more severe challenges like prostatitis and cancer, staying informed fosters a foundation for overall well-being. Regular health check-ups, a healthy lifestyle, and genetic awareness collectively form the shield against prostate-related issues, emphasizing the importance of comprehensive male health care.



Certain conditions affect men, and certain conditions affect women but prostate conditions are very common with men ranging from enlarged prostate, prostatitis, and prostate cancer. With women, conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Ovarian Cysts, and Uterine Fibroids are common. Taking proper care of ourselves and going for checkups regularly is important.

You are correct, consistently going for check-ups regularly is a smart way to overcome these terrible ailments.

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