Hive Power Isn't A Passive Income Source .:. Late Night Blogging

in Rant, Complain, Talk5 months ago

In one of the latest #HHHLive shows (btw. there will be NO SHOW tomorrow), we were discussing HivePower, delegations, skin in the game, and some of the "excuses" why HIVE is good and how it could be better... Of course, we humans are experts at finding excuses for our mistakes and flaws, and the same happens in our favorite social media blockchain network... The HIVE price goes down because HBD interests are huge, or it goes down because HIVE whales are selling, or it goes down as DHF resources are spent on a large scale, or... You get the story... It's always someone or something else to blame, and never ourselves... We are doing everything great...

Running the #HHHLive show, having discussions with others, curating for @ourpick, and replying to many comments, I became aware of one big thing on HIVE... The need of EDUCATION newcomers on HIVE, but also those who are afraid to dive deeper, to go out of their routine... This is not a "HIVE tutorial," and it is definitely not financial advice, it is more my personal view on things on HIVE that could help someone...

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Let me be clear at the beginning: I am aware that we have good and bad apples here on HIVE, but we also have the third group, which is a mix of both... The point of this post is to find good apples from that group and educate them about HIVE... Not by giving some rules (as there are no rules on HIVE), but more guidelines... Showing by example is, most of the time, the best way to teach others...

Many people don't understand how HIVE POWER is important and crucial to everyone... Not just for the platform itself, or token price, but especially for every content creator here! As it is very often compared to "token staking," it is considered a PASSIVE income source, but it is a lot more than that! It is more "ACTIVE" than the content creation itself!!!

When you create content on HIVE, you are (or should) adding value to the platform and to your readers... You earn author rewards by doing that from the upvotes that you are getting from your followers, readers, and people who like what you are doing... As you are getting 50% of the rewards (as an author), the biggest beneficiary of your content is YOU...

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Now, when you accumulate HIVEPOWER and you are actively curating the content of people that you are following and liking, you are adding direct (monetary) value to their posts too... You are APPRECIATING their work... By upvoting 10–15 posts per day, you are ACTIVELY adding value to 15 Hivians, and not just to yourself!!! Of course, you are earning curation rewards too, but is there a better way of ACTIVE participating than to appreciate others for their work?

I know that many of you have realized that a lot of people are "preparing" for the bull market pump and powering down their HIVE... Yes, that is happening, but even in the bear, many people were doing that because they didn't understand the purpose of HIVE POWER, or they were just "extracting value" from HIVE... Speaking of extracting, it is not a problem to take some earnings from the table, but looking at HIVE as an ATM is a very bad approach... I have zero tolerance for people who are doing it...

Hive is a two-way street where you can create content and add value to others by doing that, but you SHOULD also be on the "other side" and upvote and appreciate other authors' work... To do that, you need HivePower... Now comes the next excuse... *"I have only X amount of HP, and others have thousands." Imagine this, all of us had the same amount of HP as you at a certain time! But we continued building it, and you should be able to do the same...

It's not a question of QUANTITY; it is a question of appreciating and respecting other authors!

In conclusion, HIVE POWER is a very ACTIVE source of income and a great tool for appreciating others on this platform... Without it, HIVE would be just another social media network for the growing EGOs of the loudest people in the crowd...

Thank you for your time.


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👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on InLeo .:. Twitter .:. LBRY


Wow! I’ve never read any post that dissected Hive power like you did. We have tons of posts talking about HBD and tokens but the Hive power hasn’t been throughly touched for people to understand the importance of it. So first off, thanks for sharing.

For me there’s something about voting other people’s posts, it gives me this sort of joy that I can vote on a person’s post and they feel it. I remember when I had nothing and whenever I click on the like button the other person doesn’t get anything. Supporting people’s post to me is like saying “I see you my friend, keep pushing”, the curation rewards are great but do you know how people feel when they get notified that someone voted on their post?

The best thing my delegator did was delegating his Hive power to me and it’s safe to say that in my little way I am using it well.

This post resonates with me on so many levels and I am sorry for the long comment😃

Thank you very much for this fantastic comment! You added additional value to my post by writing it and I can't agree more with everything that you said!!

Keep building your HivePower and appreciating others! You probably already see results in your personal posts and comments!

Wish you all the best!!!

Definitely a great post!
I agree with nearly everything. Except the > there are no rules on Hive
I am quite sure I could act in a certain way and the downvotes would start to come in. Although in such cases it would be deserved.

Anyways, it's about Hive Power here. I am so glad I managed to get my upvote value over $0,02 so that I can even upvote comments :D Always so glad to interact with people by responding as well as 'rewarding' them with a (little) upvote! :D

I am so glad I managed to get my upvote value over $0,02 so that I can even upvote comments :D Always so glad to interact with people by responding as well as 'rewarding' them with a (little) upvote! :D

You can upvote comments even if the value of your upvote is less than $0.02. Anyone can upvote comments. With some teamwork, it is easy to push the pending payout of a comment above $0.02. And there are dedicated projects for that too. For example @dustbunny and @dustsweeper.

I know anyone can upvote a comment, but still it's kind of an opportunity thrown away if the upvotes (or total of upvotes) doesn't reach $0,02.
Ofcourse other people could have a different vision and would just look at the amount of upvotes rather than the worth of it.

I already discovered @dustbunny, definitely a great project, especially for newer people!

Thanks for charming in! 🙌

While I do know what you mean by "rules" in your point of view, they aren't rules for EVERYONE on HIVE, but rather rules for those who are doing the specific downvote... Even for some crucial things like AI content, plagiarism, etc... Maybe you and I don't agree with it, some people maybe don't mind that type of content...
Also, downvotes are part of the platform even if maybe not everyone agrees with them... Even if you are downvoted, your content is still available for reading...

Anyway, that's not the topic of the post... 😃

I agree that the content is still available, thus in that point of view, definitely true that 'everything is allowed'

But yes, isn't the topic.
To get back on-topic:
My goal is to go from 1.5K HP to 3k HP this year. So far I am at 2k, so going well but irl is getting busier so will be hard to stay on track. Slowly but steadily I'll get there though! :D

It is much harder to build your HP stake during the bull market as it has its "challenges"... Temptation of selling tokens when others are doing it, buying some new shiny tokens that are growing like mushrooms (already happening), and spending HIVE on some other stupid things... lol... I have done something similar in previous bull markets and I'm still not immune to those things... lol... 😂

Take care and good luck with your goal!! It is possible to do it for sure!

A very clear and simple way to explain the importance of increasing High Power.

My goal is to try to reach 1.5K in September which is my first year on this platform. In the meantime I will keep creating content (as best I can) voting others content, interacting and learning.

Wow! I thought that you had been on the platform for years! You are doing a great job and growing your account very nicely!

2K minimum until the end of the year, but I think you will go well over that number!

Without it, HIVE would be just another social media network for the growing EGOs of the loudest people in the crowd...

That made me chuckle as I was hmm is there a difference with or without HIVE for that.

I doing really think of HP as an income, my stake is not much but I am not powering down, and in preparation for the bull run, we are in it are we not with BTC ATHs every so often.

It's not a question of QUANTITY; it is a question of appreciating and respecting other authors!

☝️That there!

You are spot on about education though. I remember someone saying to me not to delegate HP too much as it dilutes my vote. They are right too, it is better you one cent vote become two cents and you reward the authors you are voting on.

You are spot on about education though. I remember someone saying to me not to delegate HP too much as it dilutes my vote. They are right too, it is better you one cent vote become two cents and you reward the authors you are voting on.

That is something that I'm repeating like a parrot many times... 😂 and you summarize it perfectly...

it is better you one cent vote become two cents and you reward the authors you are voting on.

1cent of upvotes is worth more than 3x more earnings from it (30% APR on your HP delegation)... You CHOOSE who you want to support, and YOU will reap (is that the right word) the fruits of doing that... You give/support/appreciate to get appreciation/etc... Not that you ASK, but the Universe works like that... At least, I think it does... 😂 Doing good attracts good...

Harvest the reaps of your endeavours!

Law of Attraction is my law, love it!

I agree that the blame game does suck. At some point, it's all about what you are doing. I like gathering both HP and HBD. If Hive were to drop a lot, I would take out my HBD and buy some Hive. I have yet to power down and I think that HP is a win-win for everyone you engage with.

It is like that... and I'm happy to see many comments in this post with the same message... HivePower is a win-win as everyone gets fruits from it!

Nice article, especially in those parts:

The point of this post is to find good apples from that group and educate them about HIVE... Not by giving some rules (as there are no rules on HIVE), but more guidelines... Showing by example is, most of the time, the best way to teach others...

People who teach a good way are better than someone who just says don't and do all the time like the rightful guy.

Now comes the next excuse... *"I have only X amount of HP, and others have thousands." Imagine this, all of us had the same amount of HP as you at a certain time! But we continued building it, and you should be able to do the same...

The equality of HP... I think it'll just make people lazy to do what the others do and also make HP valueless like that 🤔.


The equality of HP... I think it'll just make people lazy to do what the others do and also make HP valueless like that 🤔.

It takes time... it takes patience... and it requires a lot of focus and consistency... and work...

So, it is normal that many people don't do it... 😂

 5 months ago Reveal Comment

I'm going to miss the program, I hope it's for something good. 😃

As for the topic of the post, I share your vision about the HP. Because of my curation tasks, I have begun to be more selective when it comes to supporting the authors. It doesn't seem fair to me to reward those who don't contribute anything and just want to take advantage of the system selfishly.

I have also noticed a change in the support of my publications since I accumulated a more bulky amount of HP. We are not alone in that thought.

Enjoy your free (or busy) afternoon! 🤗

Because of my curation tasks, I have begun to be more selective when it comes to supporting the authors. It doesn't seem fair to me to reward those who don't contribute anything and just want to take advantage of the system selfishly.

It works like that! And you are not alone... If I support someone constantly and the person doesn't even bother to reply to the comment and appreciate my time, I will stop doing it after some time... It is completely normal to do it... Why would I invest my time in someone who doesn't appreciate what he/she has?

As I said in the post, I know that some people doesn't care about the platform, or other people, and they are here just for upvotes... But there are other people who don't understand from WHERE those upvotes come, and they don't appreciate others who upvote them as they don't understand about the weight, the sacrifice, the accumulation time of HivePower...

That's the reason why I like to create posts like this... Just to show to newbies (and some older users) from where the money comes... There are real people behind HP, and behind every Hive username... and sometimes, we do forget that...

Oh yes, I try to not forget that idea, every account has a person behind.

I always say that Hive is like real life because it’s made by humans! Here are the same defects and virtues. 😉

People own thousands of HPs, but not everybody does it by buying them. I bought Hive, but I grew my account with the posts I share here. It may take 1 year and 2 years, but if it was very simple, everyone would do it.

It is hard to accumulate HIVE and everyone who is doing that knows that well... I bought some, I earned some... It doesn't matter how we got them, it matters how we are using our HivePower...

Hmm, people are in a hurry to power down already? I guess, better too soon than too late, for those who want to take advantage of the bull market.

Personally, I agree with you. HP is more than staking. That's why I will only power down from my "staking account" under special conditions, but not for the reason of a bull market plan. I do however plan to power down my posting account at some point during this bull market, but it has about 10% of what I have in the staking account.

I will probably skip powering down this bull, and maybe the next ones too... lol... My taking profits will be from layer2 tokens and through some HP delegations profits...

But, it is always a good option to take some chips from the table... If something unexpected happens, maybe I will have to power down too...

My plan is to buy HBD with most of the powered-down HIVE from my posting account later on and buy back at the end of the bear market, and see if that works out better than keeping HP and using it throughout the entire period.

You must have a considerable amount of HIVE Power to exist on HIVE. I always mention it in my posts.

It is like that and we have to mention that to others as often as we can! Some people will ignore it, but some will recognize the real value of HivePower and appreciate it!

I have been building my HP for almost 7 years! Slowly but surely. If I can do it, anyone can! ♥️

Of course, everyone can do it! It is just a question of goodwill and realizing the true value of HivePower! Of how powerful it is in pushing and helping others to grow!

There is one thing of HP I don't get, on the wallet it's said HP has an APR, but when you get it? Where do you see it? Cause I never did any claim or stuff

Hive Power increases at an APR of approximately 2.81%

If you think about that, it is automatically growing (your HP is going up at that rate WITHOUT curating)... As you have a relatively small amount of HP it is maybe not visible, but if you check some bigger accounts, you can probably notice HP going up without claiming anything...

Is that visible in the wallet history or just increases?

It just increases... it's not visible in transactions

The HP is decisive for the position of each one in the chain. Not only to serve to heal but to decide what to do with the bottom of the chain or to vote for witnesses. The votes determine the direction of the chain and the more you have, the more you can influence.

It has so many use-cases that people are many times not aware of!

I know that many of you have realized that a lot of people are "preparing" for the bull market pump and powering down their HIVE

Wow that's so early! To be honest I haven't thought of my exit plan for Hive, if there is one to begin with. Maybe when Hive reaches 1 dollar then I will start thinking hahaha


Well, expectations are high... We will see what happens, but I agree with you that it will not happen tomorrow... :)

 5 months ago Reveal Comment

The strength of every accounts on HIVE is the Hive power and that is why it is always very important to keep building your HIVE power no matter how little it is.
some people are testimonies because they have been building it for over six years and the accounts is really grown now

One year or 6 years doesn't matter at all... It's important to know what you want to do with your HivePower and do you really care about other authors...

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Hive Power Up Month Challenge - March 2024 Winners List
Be ready for the May edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
 5 months ago Reveal Comment

Great... Are you doing that?

 5 months ago Reveal Comment