I've been thinking about it recently, and I've found that it seems that multiple people in my life, have kind of been feeling the same way. Unmotivated, and in general, certain aspects of their lives are kind of just being neglected.
Aimee has been really down recently, but she's doing well to try and get herself out of her rut. Mainly, work is the thing that is annoying her, and bringing her down.
She's been to the doctor and has had the once over, and they were able to kind of help her out by giving her some time off, she has another meeting on Monday to kind of evaluate the recent time off, and see what else she needs, moving forward.
I've been in a bit of a slump recently, and while I can't really say it's depression, I'm starting to think it could be, even if only a mild case of it. I'm booking a visit with the doctor to chat with them about a few things and see what the best course of action is.
Only the other day I was talking with Aimee's dad, and he told me that he can't bring himself to do any of his side jobs, or nixers, and even went as far as to say, that he doesn't even want to leave the house unless it's completely necessary, like for work, or something like that.
He got told by the doctor that he has depression, and has been prescribed some medication for it.
It really seems like this rut has rubbed off on everyone, and it seems that this weird mood shift is effecting even more people than that.
I was talking with my dad recently, and he said that he really couldn't bring himself to play the guitar lately, and even the short trip upstairs was enough to discourage him from jamming around or practising.
The singer from my band said the same thing, and many other mates have found themselves completely neglecting their hobbies.
What the hell is going on? I thought summer was meant to give us all a mood boost, but it seems the opposite is happening.