A Night At The Hospital

in Rant, Complain, Talk4 months ago

I don't usually talk much about Ireland on here, because the way this country has gone just annoys me too much.

Last night we had an example of just how fucked our health system is, and the extent of how hard it is to see any type of doctor when you have an emergency.


Kaleb Had A Bad Fall

Just before leaving creche yesterday, and just before he did, he tripped while playing with a ball.

By all accounts it was a nasty one, there was a blood everywhere. When I got him out of the car I noticed the stains on his jumper, which by this stage had dried. He started crying and was inconsolable, and when we got into the house he started bleeding again.

It's horrible seeing your child distressed, and not knowing what else to do other than hold him, rock him, and try to comfort him. Giving him some water helped, but seeing the straw leave his mouth covered in blood was scary.

Calling The Caredoc

Aimee started ringing the caredoc around 6:10, and the line was busy. 17 missed calls later, the time is now around 7/ 7:20 and she finally gets through to them.

The phone rings, and rings. 10+ minutes later it's still ringing, and I suggest getting in the car and going down to them and just walking in.

They obviously don't want people to just turn up, but what choice did we have?

We get into the place, speak with the guy behind the counter about the situation, all the while I'm still holding the phone which is now 20+ minutes on call.

He tells us to take a seat, and we wait a while more as he's crying. Kaleb didn't know who he wanted to sit with, so we played a game of hot potato until we finally got called at around 8.


Seeing The Doctor

There had been no blood for a while, and we explained the situation. He said there are a lot of blood vessels in the mouth, checks over his mouth and tells us it's okay and to bring him home.

He says to only give him cold drinks, and cold soft food which will let his mouth heal, and which won't cause him too much discomfort.

Before we're about to leave, Kaleb's mouth starts gushing blood, and he starts crying. At the sight of this the doctor kind of starts to panic, and says that he'll check him again.

After putting on his gloves and taking another look, he concludes that he thinks the stringy piece of skin connecting his gum and lip has been cut and that's the problem.

He writes us a letter to go to Tallaght and have him checked over, and he apologizes for not looking hard enough the first time. We say it's no problem, and get back to the house to pack some stuff, and prepare for the night ahead.


The Children's Hospital

We got to Tallaght by around 9:40, it's a fair treck from our town, at around 1/ 1:30 hours.

Me and Aimee don't have our full license yet, but are working towards it, but luckily her mum was able to give us a lift.

Kaleb slept in the car, and was awake by time we arrived, and still feeling a bit sad and sour from his injury, but luckily there had been no blood since the Caredoc.

We signed in, were told to wait, and wait we did. It was around 1:30 by time we actually got seen. In the 3 or so hours of waiting, Kaleb kind of had a burst of energy and was in surprisingly good form. He was waving at doctors, and patients, and laughing in general. Honestly, if you didn't know any better you would have thought me and Aimee were hypochondriacs.

Aimee's mum stuck with us the whole time, even though she had work today, and we're both so grateful that she gave us the lift up and back. I said to Aimee that we'll go splits and buy her mum and dad a Spa Day treatment thing for all they've done for us, and especially for last night.

We got seen, and the doctor essentially told us the exact same thing the Caredoc said. No salty food, only cold drinks and food.

It was good to get him checked out, and it was a scary experience. We got back home around 3 AM last night, and we were all bolloxed.

Luckily Kaleb fell asleep in the car, and I imagined to take him out of the car seat and get him into his cot without waking him, and he was out cold until this morning.


He woke up later than usual. Well, we all did really. Around 9, as opposed to the normal time which is usually 7AM.

Both of us opened our eyes to his smiling face standing in his cot staring at us and dancing, while also babbling to himself. He's a hardy little fecker.

Aimee had called in sick for today, I was meant to do a manual handling course, which I also had to cancel, and we assumed Aimee's mum called in sick too, but nope, she called in and asked to come in later, because by 10 she was out the door.

Kaleb has been in great form though, and has barely made a peep, apart from when we lifted his lip to see how it's doing.

He also got a teddy off one of the nurses and was going around with it this morning hugging it while listening to his songs.

It was bad for many other people there too, a woman beside us with her son had been waiting there from 7 o'clock to be seen, and that didn't happen until 12:30.

The whole experience was brutal, made worse by the stretched services in this country. In my hometown the dentist has had to stop taking new patients as of about a year ago. The entire health system is fucked. The housing market is non-existent. In general things are just getting worse.

I knew the place was screwed up, but when you've got a baby you really need someone to look at and you're waiting over 7 hours for that to happen, it really puts it into perspective.


I hope the little fella is doing well. I have spent many a long night waiting with my son in A&E also, it is horrific. Our system is very mismanaged and run off its feet. Getting in the door is the hardest thing but once they finally give you the attention I couldn't fault the medical team.

No, that's true, they were great once we were in there. I get that they're busy, and can't see everyone in a timely manor, but it's scary being left to wait for your name to be called for a long time.

If there was more money put into the medical system, in the form of better wages we wouldn't have a shortage of staff, which I think is the main issue. The facilities are there for the most part, but does need more money put into it.

He's doing great now though, and is on the mend, so that's really good, and we're delighted to see him in good form.

It sounds like a rough night for your family. Seeing your kid hurt and having to navigate a strained health system must have been incredibly stressful. Glad Kaleb's feeling better now dear friend... Speedy recovery And wishing everyone well

Thanks so much, he's doing much better now thankfully. Another few days and he'll be back to normal. He's a tough little guy, I think if the same thing happened to me I'd be laying around feeling sorry for myself, whereas he's just getting on with it as normal.

That's one very very tough dude indeed

Sorry to hear about this terrible ordeal for your kid. Canada's system is circling the drain, and in no small part, because of mismanagement. 'Free' healthcare comes with strings attached. As you said, it's particularly glaring when children are involved. Great to hear your little one is doing better. All the best.

Thanks a lot man, really appreciate that, he's doing much better now thankfully.

Yeah, kids being left to wait while they're crying and in pain just begs the question, what the hell is going on? Ireland - on paper - has a great economy on paper, it's just a shame that it doesn't show in every day life.

Ouch ! I hope Kaleb's feeling better and gets well soon !

Sounds like your health service is way better than what we've got around this part of the UK. I just changed my GP after the previous one's response to me going in with serious pain was (after a 30-second visual examination) "It's arthritis. You're getting old, get used to it." Like, thanks for the pain relief, doc.

As for A&E, last time I went there the person before me in the queue asked if I had a packed lunch, and to expect a 5-7 hour wait just to get triaged. I was so angry I walked the whole 3 miles home - I'd done myself a hand injury that was bleeding too much to drive.

I was ready to just leave when it got to 1:10 in the morning, after so long waiting, but I'm glad we stuck it out and got him seen, even just for our own peace of mind, knowing that he was okay.

That's an awful response, and you're so much better of switching after them saying that. Doctors don't tend to have the best social skills, but that's taking the piss.

This must be all parents worse nightmare when their child is injured. Glad everything turned out in the end.

As for the health and dental system, sadly same here as well

The health system seems to be bad, the whole world over. I'm sure there are a few exceptions to the rule.

Yeah, it was tough not being able to do anything for him but hold him and comfort him while we waited. He's brave though, and took it in stride. I think he actually had a lot of fun up there waving at the other kids, and parents.


That sounds tough, but I'm sure the little fella will bounce back. Kids are pretty hardy. I feel for the medical staff as they can be really stretched. I hear the same complaints here.

He's doing much better now man, a few more days and he'll be right as rain.

Yeah, way over stretched. The problem could be fixed with a raise of the wages of nurses, and doctors to keep them from leaving, sadly though that doesn't seem to be on the horizon.

Ours have been striking for better conditions. Let's see if a change in government helps.


Sending love from all of us! But England NHS is the same....sad times!

Thank you very much, he's doing so much better today than he was yesterday. Hopefully it won't be long before he's fully healed.

I am so sorry hearing that I hope Kaleb is a lot better. I think healthcare system everywhere is kinda fucked lately. It's like unless you're willing to pay for private treatment, we won't be treated at all and just being dismissed of our health needs.

That’s brutal man, sorry to hear that happened for the little fella! It’s really scary when these things happen but each one is a learning experience for us.

The ridiculous thing that many people say is that American healthcare should model exactly like Europe and the UK - because it’s so great!!!! The sad truth is that every system has its issues just like this. Disgustingly long wait times, short staff and it makes money for the owners of the systems but not enough for them to actually hire the people needed to properly staff them.

There’s a great amount of issues going on across the board - I hope we can resolve them and in a good way instead of 15-minute cities the way that’s been broadcasted by the wrong people we want making these decisions.

Yeah man, the idea of 15-minute cities is fucked. I think anytime the government or any organisation comes up with an idea, it should be rejected by the general public, no matter how great they make it seem.

It was so scary, made worse by the fact that he's so small. Luckily though, he was having fun up there and perked up while waiting. He was waving and shouting at the other kids, and parents. It lifted our spirits to see him doing that, to be honest.