Musical Reflections, Musical News, Buying new cards, Progress, Rising Star.

Greetings my dear and appreciated friends, It is a real pleasure to greet you on this splendid day. I am delighted to welcome you to our new publication, where we will dive into my latest news related to our beloved game, Rising Star.

But before we dive into the details, I'd like to share with you some opinions and thoughts on recent musical happenings that are making waves in the music world. And in my personal case they have caught my attention. Without further ado, let's get started.


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My dear and appreciated friends as we all know we are currently in the middle of summer. So the most common thing is that most of us are on vacation. I personally am also on vacation, it would be sad not to be in these months right haha 😅. Well the thing is that today in the music news I want to tell you about a song that was recently released and I think in my opinion that you may like to enjoy these days. It can be useful while you are on your way to the beach or if you are like me and you like to be at home, you can listen to it at home.

So to not make you wait, I tell you this news. As I was telling you recently, Spanish singer Lorena Gomez released a new song. She is known here in Spain for having a lot of talent and for making good music. But I have to clarify that this new song in this case she did not do it alone, in fact she made a collaboration with a very well known Cuban group, I mean Gente de Zona.

The song is called Equal and different. You know the truth, I really liked the title of the song, I give it my point of originality. Because it is something that is redundant but at the same time special, I don't know if I made myself understood. The meaning of this phrase is more understandable in Spanish. I think it could even be interpreted in several ways and forms. That is why I say that I think it is original and well thought out. This way it can reach more people with the message it is trying to give. You know this song is available in the networks since last July 19, almost a week ago it was released.

By the way I have to say that I liked Lorena's collaboration with Gente de zona. I'm actually a fan of their music, there are several songs from their catalog that I like. For example the famous bailando they did with Enrique Iglesias and of course La Gozadera and Traidora which were also very famous songs, in fact they are still heard and I personally listen to them all the time in the street.

Going back to Lorena's song, yes I know, I got off topic easily 😅, the song, a kind of salsa, but adapted to hit in the summer as I said at the beginning. The theme or lyrics of the song makes a lot of reference to the title as it could not be otherwise, it talks about cultural differences and how at the same time we are so equal. It is a nice message.

And well friends you know this song in my opinion is good for all those who want to listen to a little bit of Latin music and are looking for new songs to listen to this summer, for the summer. For me equal and different is going to become a good song and maybe a hit.

Well, friends, that was the music news for today. I really hope you found it useful and that you liked it. Now, as usual, we move on to the next section of my posts to show you my progress in Rising Star.

Buying new cards in the Rising Star market.



Friends, it's time for my favorite section of this post, where I show you my latest acquisitions in our beloved game Rising Star. As usual, I have added 3 new cards to my collection. Some I acquired simply because I liked them and they were cheap, while others I chose for their unique features. Without further ado, here are my new additions.


Well friends, the first card I bought this morning is called: R158 Goose. This card, as you can see in the 2 screenshots, belongs to the rare cards section. I found this card interesting because it brings me about 125 fans, not bad at all. I think it is ideal to buy several more, because right now it offers a good value for money. In the case of skill, this card brings 70. I also like it, but you have to do some lessons to balance the ego. In addition to those 2 things, the card also gives me 3 luck and 2 IM.


As you can see in the screenshot below, this card cost me around 10250 starbits on the in-game market, which is quite affordable considering it brings me a good amount of fans. I may buy a few more of this card, we'll just have to see if it keeps this price. The personalized phrase on this card is: “Eggsactly the kind of golden boy you need in your band”.


Friends, the second card I have acquired is called 76 Elise. This card unlike the previous one is a rare card. It offers me 2 things, first, 5 fans and on the skill side 10. They are low characteristics, but as the price is not so high I bought the card. Also if I buy more of it I can make the difference too. And another thing this card I didn't have it in my collection yet so I just wanted to buy it to add it and collect it.


The price of the card is 1998 starbits, which as you can see is quite cheap. This is because it is a common card and has far fewer features than the previous ones. It is an option to consider if you want to buy in bulk. The phrase of this particular card is: “Yesterday I stood and stared at her thinking she was the cure.


The last card I bought today is called 86 Tim. This card is a common card. It brings me about 10 Fans. The price of the card is 1980 starbits, which makes it the cheapest card of the day in this post. I bought the card because of its low price, I think it is a good option to increase a little bit the fans at a low price. The tag line on this card is “He's nice and will bloody-well join your band of chums”.


My most recent progress in Rising Star.

Well my friends as you know everything that begins must end and this post is no exception. We have reached the final section but that doesn't make it any less fun. Now I'm going to show you a brief summary of all my progress in the game so you can follow my progress. Without further ado, I'll show you.

My skill is still dominating the stats with 25382 accumulated skill. Thanks to this I no longer have ego problems. On the other hand my fans are now 14650. My luck is 1720, My IM is 194. My current level is 56 with 237 XP / 2800. My total card collection is: 441.

Well my dear friends this is my post today I hope you liked it and above all it was to your liking. Well see you in a new post greetings.