{<MUSIC NEWS>} and Rising Star: Card Recommendations, Prices, statistics. 24/8/2024

in Rising Star Game25 days ago

Happy Saturday to all my friends, nice to be able to meet you again one more day in the coolest gaming community in hive, Rising Star. Well friends, today is Saturday, a day of rest for most of us and a day to clean the house too haha😀. Well what better than for a day when we are at home than to listen to new music right. Well if that's your wish I tell you that today I bring you some music news about a new song that was recently released and that maybe you might like, so don't miss it.

On the other hand friends I also come with my usual recommendation of Rising Star cards. As you must already know if you follow me from previous days or months these cards that I am going to present you in the second half of the post are the cheapest and most profitable in the game just this day in the game market, so they are the best to raise any of the categories of your avatar in the game. Now, let's get started.


Image created by me in canva

Well friends, today's musical news is double to say the least (). Let me explain, the news is about the release of a new song, but this release is divided in 2 parts. For your better understanding I'll go directly to the details. Well, on the 15th of this month the singer Belinda originally released the song La Mala. I listened to the song at the time and the truth is that I was a little surprised, especially by the lyrics as it leaves a lot to the imagination of each one of us. So far everything understood truth, well now the second part of the news, because as I said there are 2 parts.

What's new here is that just yesterday August 23rd, she surprised many of her followers because she released the music video of the song. Yes, because the song was originally only released in audio, that's why I told you that the lyrics surprised me. But if the lyrics surprised me, the video surprised me even more. The truth is even a little shocking, especially because until now I had not heard a song of the singer within this particular genre, which I already tell you that it is a bit of several things, but predominantly a gothic style.

Now before I continue I want to make a small warning, I'm going to tell some spoilers of the video content, so if you do not want to experience the details for yourselves I recommend you watch the video first and then return to the blog. Knowing this I tell you that as far as I could appreciate in the video of La Mala, it is a visually interesting and even attractive video, especially for those who like the gothic genre. It is full of several symbolisms that in my opinion complement perfectly with the lyrics of the song, here Belinda did a great job, just for the video I give her a 10 out of 10.

In the video, as the name says, Belinda is presented in a kind of dark and terrifying scenarios, where she pretends to be the bad guy, so to speak, haha😅. That phrase may not make sense to you because this text is translated into English, but in Spanish Si pega haha😀. The whole video seeks to convey a message, as I could notice that message seems to be somehow focused on the idea that women or men, depending on who is listening to it, should take control over the narrative that others try to impose on us. I think it is a strong message that will appeal to many.

In addition to the above I could also notice other things, Belinda leaves us the message that we ourselves have to define ourselves, and not be labeled by others. In other words, let others take control of our own lives. I think the same as what the song wants to convey. Now friends to finish this news I tell you that until this moment in which I write this post the response to the video on Youtube has been positive, because as I could see most of the comments say that they really like the song, of course there is always one who does not like it. That is something obvious because as the saying goes, there are different colors for different tastes and in this case is no exception because each person likes a different genre.

Here's a curious fact: the song now has more than 500 thousand plays on YouTube, maybe by the time you are reading this it will have more. Friends before moving on to the next section I leave you the youtube video so you can see it for yourselves. And then you can see the cheapest cards of the day.

Rising Star: Card Recommendations, Prices, statistics. 24/8/2024

Today I will present to you From cards that boost your fans to those that improve your Luck and Skill. I will also cover all the stats needed for each music lesson, such as: singing, guitar, Drums, Piano, Orchestra and Production.

It is important to remember that while this publication will offer you a useful guide, you should not take it as an absolute guide. The dynamics of the game can change quickly, and it is always advisable to do your own research and analysis before making important decisions.

Without further ado, I hope you enjoy this publication and that you find the recommendations useful to improve your experience in Rising Star.


It's always exciting to add new fans in Rising Star to elevate your music career to new heights. Whether you are a newcomer or a veteran in the game, finding fans is a crucial part of our success in the game. Well here are the most recommended cards to increase your fan base, updated.

First of all we have R512 Bryn. At this moment this card is one of the most profitable cards to increase fans quickly, because its price is 69,8 starbits/ per fan. In total the card costs: 9435 starbits. Among the features it offers are: 135 fans, 70 skill, 3 Luck and 2 IM.

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Well now it's time for the luck card recommendations. As I'm sure you know luck is the one that allows you to get more drunk fans and get extra profits at certain times. Well here are the most recommended cards of the day.

The most recommended card to increase luck at this moment is: R521 JJ50. This card has a price in the game market of 31 starbits per luck. The card costs in total 1552 starbits. Which certainly makes it the best choice. This card offers you 50 luck.

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Now it's time to see the best cards that give us skill. The skill allows us to fight the ego generated by doing missions in the game or buying fans in the market, as well as the drunks. Well, let's see the cards:

At this time the most recommended card to increase the skill at the best price is: R461 Leo, as it has a price of 74 starbits per skill. The card costs a total of 9999 starbits. Among its features it offers: 135 skill, 45 fans, 4 luck and 2 IM.

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Music Lessons

As we all know with the music lessons we gain skill and then with that skill we fight the ego. Well for that we need instruments for each lesson, as is the case of singing, guitars, drums and many more. In this section I am going to show you the best card based on its price for each specific skill.

Singing Instruments:

For singing lessons the most recommended is: R521 JJ50. This card costs the equivalent of 31 starbits per luck. The total cost of the card is: 1552 starbits. Among its features it offers 50 luck per card.

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Guitar lessons.

In the case of guitar lessons, the best card is: R515 PBG Dark Marble. This card costs the equivalent of 51,9 starbits per luck. The total cost of the card is: 2599 Starbits. Gives you: 50 Luck

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Drum Lessons:

For drum lessons the best card is: R516 Hive Kit. This card costs the equivalent of 49 starbits per luck. The card costs in total: 2450 starbits and gives you 50 luck.

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Production Lessons:

The best card for production lessons is: R495 BX Acoustic. This card currently costs: 38,7 starbits per luck. The total cost of the card is 1936 starbits. And it offers you: 50 Luck.

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Keyboard Lessons:

For Keyboard Lessons the best card is: R514 Abyss 6000. This card costs 48,1 starbits per luck. The card costs in total: 2409 starbits. It gives you: 50 Luck.

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Orchestra Lessons

The best card for orchestra lessons is: R496 Old English Horn. It costs at the moment the equivalent of: 41,5 starbits per luck. The card costs in total 2079 starbits. And it offers you: 50 Luck.

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Well friends this is the publication of today 24/8/2024, I hope you find it useful. As always I remind you that I am open to suggestions for future publications, and thus improve the statistics. See you in a new publication. Have a nice day.

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