Let's tour round the beauties around my vicinity.

in Photography Lovers5 months ago

Hello dear friends!!

As we are on holiday to remember the death of our Lord Jesus here, the streets are quite while restaurants and beer parlour's are busy because people are enjoying themselves.

But, instead of enjoying with them in that form, I decided to enjoy myself with the beauties of nature. Therefore, during afternoon hours, I stepped outside the comfort of my zone to appreciate nature.

Take a look at the beautiful flowers around my vicinity:

This first one above looks so attractive and adorable. The flower reminded me of wedding I attended few weeks ago and saw one flower with same shape and look with this flower. Now I understand that the producer must have emulated this flower shape.

Let's check the second one:

Wow, it's flashy right? it's combination is more than perfect. If there is another word higher than that, I would have used for it.

If you're looking or searching for the best combination of colors, just a step outside your house and a deep look into nature will solve the arithmetic.

There are also other flowers I captured, feed your ur eyes with them so as to appreciate their maker.

While working round my vicinity appreciating nature, I came across a big market and I also captured things that appealed to my eyes.

The first one is dried crayfish.

The second one is fresh tomatoes and the look caught my fancy leading me into regretting why I didn't come out with some cash.

The last one I captured today is the one below.

Hahaha, while enjoying my sightseeing, along the market road, I met another hiver by the name @ijebest and we took a shot.

That's all for today. See you guys tomorrow.

 5 months ago Reveal Comment