A variety of Venezuelan house's facades [ENG]|[ESP]

in Photography Lovers6 months ago

Hello Beautiful Photography Lovers community, I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday.

Venezuela is a country with an incredible amount of diversity and contrast in all aspects, and I wanted to capture that variety and contrast in relation to the facades of houses. After all, these facades can tell the story of their inhabitants with a simple glance.

In this photographic journey, we embark on a voyage through the variety that defines Venezuela. From impeccable facades, adorned with vibrant colors and interesting architectural details, to structures that reflect the passage of time, with their worn walls and nostalgia embedded in each brick.

Hola Bonita comunidad de Photography Lovers, espero que tengan un bonito Domingo.

Venezuela es un pais demasiado variado con muchos contraste en todo tipos de cosas y quise plasmar esa variedad y constraste en relacion a las fachadas de las casas, pues estas fachadas pueden contar la historia de sus habitantes con una simple mirada.

En este recorrido fotográfico, nos embarcamos en un viaje a través de la variedad que define a Venezuela. Desde fachadas impecables, adornadas con colores vibrantes y detalles arquitectónicos interesantes, hasta estructuras que reflejan el paso del tiempo, con sus paredes desgastadas y la nostalgia impregnada en cada ladrillo.





While the houses in the previous photographs have very beautiful facades, there are others that are deteriorated, all depending on the economic level of the owners. Some even appear abandoned.

Mientras las casa de las fotografias anteriores tienen una fachada muy bonita, hay otras que se encuentran deterioradas, todo depende del nivel economico de los dueños de la casas, algunas incluso lucen abandonadas.



This would be the typical Venezuelan house of a middle-class family. Middle-class homes, with their simple and functional facades, speak to the tenacity and effort of Venezuelans to build a home and the small businesses integrated into the houses are a reflection of the entrepreneurial spirit of the people that seeks to get ahead the crisis.

Esta seria la tipica casa venezolana de una familia de clase media. Las viviendas de clase media, con sus fachadas sencillas y funcionales, nos hablan de la tenacidad y el esfuerzo del venezolano por construir un hogar. Los pequeños comercios integrados a las casas son un reflejo del ímpetu emprendedor que busca salir adelante.



My favorites are those that have some type of vegetation or garden. I feel that these houses demonstrate the level of commitment and care that their owners have for their home, keeping their plants healthy and beautiful.

Mis favoritas son las que tienen algun tipo de vegetacion o jardin, siento que esas casas demuestran el nivel de compromiso y cuidado que le tienen sus dueños al hogar, manteniendo sus matas saludables y bonitas.





In this variety of facades of Venezuelan homes, we find the essence of Venezuela: a country of contrasts, where history blends with the present and beauty is manifested in every corner. A country that, despite its difficulties, clings to its identity and continues moving forward with hope intact.

En esta variedad de fachadas de hogares venezolanos, encontramos la esencia de Venezuela: un país de contrastes, donde la historia se conjuga con el presente y la belleza se manifiesta en cada rincón. Un país que, a pesar de las dificultades, se aferra a su identidad y sigue adelante con la esperanza intacta.




Great variety of design and architecture. They're also artistic. Very nice!