Three Tune Tuesday #165

in Music3 months ago (edited)


If you ask some average John Doe, what more or less 'modern' Russian bands does he know? - there is a high probability to hear back the name Tatu. And this is not without reason! Modern music is no longer strictly about music - but about marketing, advertising budget, glamour, relax, lifestyle, shopping malls etc. Sometimes its even woman's tits - and nothing more. Today's #ttt blog certainly will not be about Tatu, lol - but you guessed it right, it will be music Made in Russia. Worth your attention, the name is: Mumiy Troll.

Мумий Троль - Скорость

(not an official video; from «Морская» LP, 1997)

A week ago I attended a motorcycle festival and was testing out custom bikes, when the local DJ played this song 'Velocity' - which has been stuck playing in my head the whole last week. It awakened some memories from the 90s. So, some history.

In the same year of 1996, when Radiohead were recording in Bath the main rock album of the 90s, the first studio album of Mumiy Troll have matured - and right at the beginning of 1997 blew up the Russian music scene; refreshed it, gave a powerful kick in the ass, set the vector of movement - you name it. A characteristic detail is that the album was recorded in a London studio, and British session musicians were to blame very much for resulting sound and the stunning refreshing effect of the music.

The band appeared in Vladivostok (a remote province, the easternmost region of Russia) in the mid-80s - they recorded their first self-produced albums in 83-85. Let's call them homemade demos rather than real albums. It took a $20,000 investment into a London studio sessions to take their music to a next level. By the way, now the founder of the band and its heart, Ilya Lagutenko, has left Russia and moved to London, to live on a happy life - like many other rich Russians, who managed to squeeze solid cash from the native country in 90-es...

Now, a few words about style. You can't really consider it as 'rock', no. Lagutenko intended to mix the sound of his fave bands, such as Blur, Cardigans, Garbage, Space, Sleeper, Dubstar, Orange Juice, Squeeze, ABBA, Sex Pistols - the parallel to Britpop is obvious and legitimate. Music journalists sarcastically labelled the result as 'rockapop', i.e. rock + pop - isn't this an oxymoron, a mixture of the impossible? What do you think?

Anyway, some of their songs fit into 'rock+pop' tag just perfectly. But in fact, the question of style is not that important. What is important is that the band's leader had (and still has) charisma of a huge, rare caliber (perhaps this is the only thing that is needed at all?). In addition, he had poetry, humor, a crazy sparkles in his eyes, the ability to have fun and desire to share it with others. All above is perfectly demonstrated by one of their first videos for the song 'Cat loves cat'. NB - the clip was created by Mikhail Khleborodov - the famous and fashionable Russian video director N1 at that time.

В том же 1996-м году, когда Radiohead записывали в Бате главный обновляющий рок альбом 90-х ... у МумиТролль вызрел первый студийный альбом, который взорвал отечественную музыкальную сцену. Ну или во всяком случае изрядно освежил, дал пинок под зад, придал импульс, задал вектор движения - выберите нужное сами. Характерная деталь: альбом писался в лондонской студии, и немалая заслуга в финальном саунде и ошеломляющем эффекте их музыки, принадлежит британским сессионным музыкантам. Сама группа появилась во Владивостоке (глухая провинция, самый восточный край России) в середине 80-х, первые самописные магнитоальбомы МумиТролль записали в 83-85 годах. Назовем их домашними "демо-версиями", а не полноценными альбомами. Потребовалась инвестиция в 20000 долларов и лондонская студия, чтобы поднять музыку на качественно новый уровень, который русскому року не снился. (Какие на то были причины - это отдельный, довольно интересный и болезненный разговор). Кстати, создатель и мотор группы Илья Лагутенко покинул Россию, уехав жить в Лондон, как и многие другие разбогатевшие в 90-е годы русские.

Несколько слов о стиле. Их музыку на самом деле нельзя назвать "роком". Лагутенко намеревался объединить воедино звучание таких групп как «Garbage», «Blur», «ABBA», «Cardigans», «Space», «Sleeper», «Dubstar», «Orange Juice», «Squeeze», «Sex Pistols» - параллель с брит-попом очевидна. Получившийся результат муз.журналисты ехидно обозвали 'рокапопс', т.е. рок + поп - не есть ли это оксюморон, смешение невозможного? Как вы полагаете?

Вопрос о стиле не так уж важен - важно то, что у лидера группы харизма редкого невъе..нного калибра. Возможно, это единственное что необходимо для успешного успеха музыкального проекта. Кроме того, у него была поэзия, юмор, сумасшедший блеск в глазах, умение веселиться и прожигать жить. Вышесказанное отлично демонстрирует один их из первых клипов к песне 'Cat loves cat'. Клип снял модный в то время российский клипмейкер N1 Михаил Хлебородов.

Мумий Тролль — Кот Кота

(official video; from «Морская» LP, 1997)

Now I don’t remember exactly which song I heard first - all the songs from the first album worked for me well! If I weren't already a huge Radiohead fan, I would very likely turned into a MumiyTroll fan. The whole generation became obsessed with this band!

Мумий Тролль — Утекай

(official video; from «Морская» LP, 1997)

For me, this pop number ranks roughly next to Bregovic's 'In the death car' - a sweet pop tune, non-native ears might not realize that the song is about a maniac, haha. Just in Bregovich case everything is deadly serious, while MumiyTroll’s song is all ironic and postmodern, flavored with 'lalalala' and saxophone solo. Shopping mall-friendly! NB - the video plot is as simple as two plus two: the vocalist as a hairdresser cuts off a beautiful model's hair till zero :)

Этот поп-номер для меня стоит примерно рядом с 'In the death car' Бреговича - сладкая поп мелодия, иностранному уху невдомек что песня про маньяка-убийцу. Только у Бреговича все убийственно серьезно, а у МумийТролля песня убийственно иронична и постмодернистичная, сдобрена лалалала и саксофонным соло. Музыка для супермаркетов и не только!

This was my selection for #ttt.
I will add two more videos off the challenge. 1stly, goes another nice clip from the second LP, shot again by Mikhail Khleborodov: 'Dolphins'. Its main chorus message is that everything is not important (and accordingly it is implied that one should not live in misery, but rather have fan...) Excellent videofeed and visuals!

Мумий Тролль — Дельфины

(official video; from «Икра» LP, 1999)

One more bonus to present you how the band and its music has changed over the past 20 years. A new version of an old song, one of the key songs for the band. 'New Moon of April' was the name of the band's first demo, and a knowledgeable person should probably be reminded - what else? - Durandurand's 'New Moon On Monday' ofc!

The whole era is gone, disappeared, erased as if it never existed. We're left with artifacts... and bad digital artifacts. Notice that the aged vocalist has become... I would say he has aged in a manner similar to David Bowie.

И еще один бонус, чтобы проиллюстрировать вам как группа и их музыка изменилась за прошедшие 20 лет. Новая версия старой песни, одной из ключевых для группы. 'Новая луна апреля' - так называлось первое демо группы, и сведущему человеку наверняка должно напомнить - что же еще? - дюрандюрановскую 'New Moon On Monday'!

Эпоха ушла, исчезла, стерта как будто ее и не было. Нам остались артефакты... и плохие цифровые артефакты. Обратите внимание, что постаревший вокалист стал ... я бы сказал так: он постарел в манере, похожей на Дэвида Боуи.

Мумий Тролль – Новая Луна Апреля [на карантине]

(official video)

I hope you enjoyed today's music selection, and travelling around the globe without leaving the Hive. 😎 The post goes for Three Tune Tuesday challenge run by @ablaze. Previous issues: 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 118 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 131 | 140 | 141 | 142 | 143 | 144 | 146 | 147 | 148 | 149 | [150]


All videos and music is copyrighted by the artists, not me!
My posts at worldmappin
Thanks for visiting my blog!

Russian music is surely hard to be heard around without knowing it first. You shared some pretty tunes here, thanks for the contribution 😊
I think you are the first person I've ever found to talk about Russian music, go on!

Oh, uhm, well... always at your service! 😊 NB - can share some downloadable links to my selections of various artists... if you're intrested ofc.

Definitely rock/pop sound these guys had! Great name though, New Moon on April. I loved New Moon on Monday by Duran Duran. That first song is catchy, the video (though not official) was interesting with them driving through the streets of LA!

Radiohead is hard to beat, so I see why you were a big fan, I am too! These guys were really good, I can see why they became such a big band there!

Great choices for the TTT! I saw this post last night but decided to wait until the morning so I could listen to them all!

PS. one day I should make my selection from Duran Duran back catalogue. It would not be hard to choose three tunes - but would be hard to limit myself to just ONE DuranDuran #ttt post, they were a stunningly great band in the time! And, would love to examine your selection as well. 😎

Duran Duran would fill months of TTT's, from their first album on they were musical magic. Not to mention Arcadia, a side project few people remember, it was a great album!

I also like Power Station, too bad Robert Palmer died all those years ago...

True! Absolutely agree, hehe. More !BEER your way, Sir.


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I'll have to do some posts on that, it would be a long series!

Radiohead is hard to beat, so I see why you were a big fan, I am too!

A pleasure to hear this, really. Have five, bro 😍❤️🎈 !BEER and !PIZZA 🍺🍻🍕🍕🍕 and !LUV your way

I like Radiohead too, good old days. I liked the first song (the music) I don't understand what they sing tho, but also cool car scenes, started to shake my head to that 😃👍

Of Russian singer's music certainly the only one that resonates with me is as you say t.A.T.u. lol, but you piqued my interest with what you wrote about Mumiy Troll so I'm going to look him up to hear more of his music. I liked the one you selected from them here. Thanks for sharing! 💕

haha! not the 1st time I hear this, and definitely not the last, but I used to it, no problem. T.a.t.u. project had an excellent advertising budget (and the tits ofc!) , well made product. But this one - has very sweet pop music. 1st two albums ('Morskaya' and 'Ikra') were my faves, in case you going to dig it. Wish you all the best, and a good Hive grow. ☘️

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Thank you very much, sir, very much appreciated. 🙏 Good karma towards the Ecency team! 🎈


Hey @qwerrie, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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Yoo!!!!! cool. Thank you. 😍

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