My first 100€ on eBay

in Actifit2 months ago

All photos by @stewie.wieno

My Daily Diary

After a few days of stop I started uploading ads on ebay again. Sales for now are satisfactory and this makes me happy and want to continue. We live lives full of objects that have economic value, but are often superfluous. And then we might as well give them a second chance, benefitting everyone: us, those who buy and the environment.

And in the meantime I have reached the first 100€ of earnings from sales.

Who is stewie.wieno?

Hi, i'm stewie and since I had back problems I realized that I had to take better care of myself. I am very lazy, but following my doctor's advice, I try to focus on getting some activity every day. "Better a little but constant, than a lot once in a while!"

I work in the office, I love travelling, doing improv theater and spending time with my girlfriend. My favorite animal is the giraffe (but I also love dogs) and I'm passionate about home economics and saving.

I landed on Hive in July 17th 2021.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on



What a pretty picture! Sounds like you are doing well and enjoying things. Nice job with your 9489 @actifit steps for the day. Take care and have a lovely evening!

Che cose vendi su ebay?
Cose usate?

Si, più precisamente libri usati. Cui seguiranno fumetti usati. Cerco di liberarmi delle cose superflue e fare un po’ di spazio creando anche economia circolare.

Ti do un'idea perché lo fa già un mio amico...sai che c'è gente che i libri li regala per sbarazzarsene?!
Non so lui dove trova queste persone, però dice che qualcosina si riesce a fare bene

Si si, so che ci sono. Ma per ora voglio sbarazzarmi dei miei… quando avrò finito probabilmente sarò pronto per la pensione ! 😂


Però dovresti mettere il link del tuo market su eBay...magari qualcuno potrebbe essere interessato e pagare in Hive o in HBD 😜

Why couldn’t the bike keep up with the car?
Because it was 2-tired

Credit: reddit
@stewie.wieno, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of bencwarmer



Ci avevo pensato.
Di aprire alla community di OdB la possibilità di pagare in Hive o HBD (i libri sono in italiano).
Ma in prima istanza vorrei ottenere € tradizionali e solo dopo, eventualmente, in crypto.


I don't want my wife any longer.
Her height is perfect.

Credit: reddit
@bencwarmer, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of stewie.wieno

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How does a tiger find his favorite song on Apple Music?
He uses their algrrrythm

Credit: reddit
@bencwarmer, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of stewie.wieno

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