See you at the Sea! 🐸 My Actifit Report Card: June 24 2024

in Actifit9 days ago (edited)

See you by the Sea!🐸
Springtime…uhhh….Summertime, the time of year when a young PEPE’s fancy turns to romance!😍
“ Silbertop dis good blind date you fix PEPE up with, dis a cute little froggy! “🐸
“ Glad to help, my green little friend! “ 😊
It was another low tide day at the Ocean. The sound of the waves hitting the shore was mesmerizing…… the perfect location for a “First Blind Date”!😇
This was a “Double Date”, Liz and Silvertop, and PEPE and his new frog girlfriend!
“ Silbertop, hob about we get a Cobbie, my treat Man! “🐸
“ Coffee sounds good on this warm day little frog, I will pick up the tab, this coffee shop doesn’t take Bitcoin yet! “😇
“Den we swim out to blue floating lily pad, dis will impress the ladies! “
I let PEPE and his new friend swim out to the blue raft…… I mean “lily pad………
Liz was very happy “thank you” on Terraferma!🥰
“ Silvertop it was a nice first date for our cold blooded friends! “
“ Nice to spend the day at the Bay with you as well Liz! “🥰
“ Are you sure you don’t want to swim out to that blue raft honey……. the water temperature is a balmy 46.3 degrees Fahrenheit today! “ 🥶
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😎

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores,Shopping


Nah, I think I'll pass on the swim, but am glad Pepe and his new girlfriend enjoyed the cool🥶 water!

I enjoyed the day with you, too!🤗💜

It was nice Liz, and PEPE said he would teach you to swim!🐸

Thank you for including a video. I miss the beach. Perhaps one day I'll get to travel again. Enjoy your week!

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- @iamraincrystal - Moderator/Alive Video Master

I’m glad you enjoyed the video my friend. Hope you get the chance to travel soon!😊


Beautiful waters, @silvertop!
I envy you!!!
But come September I will be by the water, and I can't wait!!

Vacation @silversaver888 ?🤗
That sounds so nice!😊👍

Wow so cool 😎

It was an awesome day at the Ocean!😊