Staying on the Path! 😊 My Actifit Report Card: June 25 2024

in Actifit8 days ago (edited)

Staying on the path!😊
So much to see, and so much to do!
You never know what you will find around the next bend of the trail, or like in the third and fourth photos, down the next flight of stairs!😇
It’s always nice to see so many people, from all ages, and walks of life, out hiking or jogging, or simply walking on the trails!👍
“ Watch out Liz, you have a bicycle approaching from behind! “ 😮
The shoreline hiking trails are definitely busy this time of year!☺️
The original railroad tracks crossing the tide pools of Bellingham Bay, were constructed in 1890 for the Great Northern railroad.
Later this section of the bay was filled in, and the tracks were located further inland.
Trestles, and sections of this original R.R. Track, have been restored and or replaced with hiking trails, for all to enjoy!☺️
One such old wooden railroad trestle, is located within a mile of Silvertop and Liz’s home in the foothills. A Christian retreat center, has incorporate this into their hiking trails. Deep in the forest this very high, very old trestle is now a walking foot path…….
Did I say VERY OLD, and VERY HIGH! 😳😅
“ NO way I’m walking across this dangerous bridge Liz! “ 🙄
“ I think Boulevard Park in Bellingham, is more my speed honey Lol! “ 🥰
“ Plus they have a Coffee shop right on the hiking path…… how nice is that! “ 🤗
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores


I've been across that trestle before dear, and not all that long ago. Are you afraid? I'm still here! Just space out the foot traffic to be safe and it's all good!🤗💜

Nope… not doing that!😳😅
Put me in the control seat of a Piper or Cessna aircraft that’s much safer dear!🥰😇

I don't think so, dear!

I will do some spins in the Cessna 152 aerobat!🤗


great blue sky out there.

take pepe with you when you cross the bridge, he might help with your fear

PEPE told me he would rather be in the creek far below Lol!🐸

ahahha. pepe is also scared then

Wow it looks so beautiful out there! Such a lovely place to explore. Thank you for sharing your photos. They brought me smiles. Happy midweek!

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- @iamraincrystal - Moderator/Alive Video Master

Glad you enjoyed the photos my friend!😊
I always find something new each time I explore the Bay!😇
