“ Knee-High by the Fourth of July! “ 😎 My Actifit Report Card: June 30 2024

in Actifit3 days ago (edited)

“ Knee-high by the Fourth of July! “ 😎
That’s how the old saying goes………..
Silvertop and the Mrs were on vacation in Eastern Washington several years ago.
We ran into a retired Pastor, that just happened to previously live on the Western side of the Mountains , and hard to believe, he also lived on our road!😇
He introduced Liz and Silvertop to the congregation we were visiting, by stating…………
“ These guys live over on the wet side of the mountains, that’s where they plant corn and JUMP back because it grows so fast Lol! “ 🤣
Well the rain certainly is making this old farmers saying spot on!☺️
This morning just as Church was ending our Pastor told everyone he had exciting news!
Shrouded with a sheet, they carried out a wooden money raised thermometer, that everyone has been watching steadily grow from months………
This is for the all cash purchase of property where our new Church will be built.
As they carried this thermometer out to the stage, the sheet slipped………….😮
Everyone could see that the money for the land had been met!🤗
It’s kind of hard to see, but if you look at the screen in the third photo, you will see a picture of the property!😊
Next Sunday after service, our Pastor is inviting everyone to come out to see/visit the property and enjoy a free coffee!☺️
“ Liz, the new property is just across the street from the “River Park”.
That sounds like a hike for today honey! “ 🥰
It turned out to be a very nice day down at the river park!
“ Silvertop the forecast for next Sunday is warm and sunny! “ 😎
“ Liz even if it rains, how could I pass up a FREE Latte Lol! “ 😇
Happy Sunday everyone, till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores



it is great to hear that free coffee will be coming close to you, my friend. hope the church serves them every sunday

That would be awesome my friend!🤗
I certainly do have a weakness for coffee Lol!
I have my espresso machine loaded right now, getting ready to pull two shots for my morning latte!😊

how many shots do you down in a day?

Two shots in my morning latte…..
Two more shots in my lunch latte ….
Then the Mrs. comes home about 6 o’clock in the evening and fixes me a third with two shots !🥰
You can’t have too many lattes Lol!😇

woah. don't you get heart palpitations? i haven't tried that much

I think I have drank coffee so long it doesn’t affect me like that😇
As I type this, I have my morning latte in my hand !😊

that just sounds so yum. i haven't tried till 3 but i am fine with 2 cups.
my other friend couldn't take even 1, so sad for him

lol…. I guess he needs to build up to 2 cups..😇🤣☺️


Great day for hiking, over five miles again! Gorgeous pictures. Too bad that river isn't loaded with gold...

That corn looks like it's shooting up, there should be some fresh corn on the cob soon!

If I could pan for Gold in this river, I probably wouldn’t hike the Mountains anymore Lol!😇
It is a beautiful spot !😊

I would be doing the same. I'm sure there's a little gold in there, but not enough to bother trying to look for it! lol

I’ll take a closer look next time we go down to the river. It might be next Sunday with free coffees from our church…😇
I have panned a few Gold flakes from a creek that runs through our property, but it took all day long Lol!🙄😅

Maybe take a pan with you and check some likely spots... Who knows?

I have a good quality Gold pan, I should give that a try!👍😊