The Buck Stops Here! ☺️ My Actifit Report Card: July 1 2024

in Actifit3 months ago (edited)

The buck stops here!😇
PEPE invited his girlfriend to come along on today’s hike………….
“ Silbertop, dis cute little froggy is a “Whole Coiner”! 🐸
Well …… that’s one way to break the ice on a second date Lol!☺️
PEPE hopped along the forest trail, side by side with his girl, as he listened to her explain the importance of stacking Sats!😇
“ Silbertop, dis froggy hab the nicest green color! “
Uhh huh……………..☺️
“ Silbertop, you need to start stacking Sats Man! “
Uhh huh……………….☺️
“ Liz, they say everyone gets Bitcoin at the price they deserve, I guess PEPE has been “Orange Pilled”, by his very green girl Lol! “🤣
Today’s hike was nice, except for the fact that our two webbed feet companions were more interested in each other….. and talking Bitcoin than hiking Lol!😊
When we arrived back home, I pulled out Liz’s new Trezor Safe 3, and let PEPE show off to his girl HIS cold storage wallet! 😇
“ See dis Trezor Silbertop, you need to get yourself one of thez Man! “ 🐸
Uhh huh……………..☺️
Stack those Sats, and Precious Metals……just like PEPE! 🐸
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores,Gardening


Pretty soon, they'll be married... then they will have children... and your house will be overcrowded with Actilamb's family and Pepe's family... and then you'll have to build an extension to your current house!
!LOL @silvertop !

Ohh my @silversaver888
“ Liz, maybe we need to stack a lot more Precious Metals, I think we are going to need it soon Lol! “ 🤣😇
“ Tell PEPE he can’t date till he’s 21 years old! 😇

Hey Pepe! When's de wedding?🎊🎁🎈


pepe is smooth. i'd better get tips from him

lol…… 🐸🤣😊


Beautiful pictures! You ran into another young buck there it looks like. Deer are just so skittish that they take off at the smell of a human...

I think for some odd reason they seem to not be afraid of us on our property. I had one walk almost up to within 3 feet of me so odd……😮