Just Follow the Water, Man! 🐸 My Actifit Report Card: June 26 2024

in Actifit7 days ago (edited)

Just follow the water Man! 🐸💧
Years ago, a wise plumber once told Silvertop that this was the secret to successful plumbing Lol!😇
“ Dis not secret Silbertop, all PEPE’s know dis Lol! “ 🐸
It all begins in the Mountains……….
With “ Most “ Summers very dry, the Pacific Northwest relies on the winter snowpack to recharge our aquifer.
Mt Baker a near by active volcano rises 10,786 feet above sea level, and Is known for world record snowfalls!
About late April “waters” downhill journey begins…………..
Melting snowpack, soon becomes fast moving rivers………..
The lakes are beginning to refill at this point, and copious amount of excess water continue their journey downhill!😊
Our local rivers like the Nooksack, that flows through the middle of our valley, end at the Ocean.
Fresh water begins mixing with salt water creating what they call “brackish” water.
This water continues to flow out to the Ocean.
“ See Silbertop, Like PEPE sed, just follow the water Man! “ 🐸
Hmmmm………Lol! 😇
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity,Hiking



Looks refreshing! Tell Pepe he did a good job!🤗💜🐸

Don't tell PEPE Lol.....he already has a big head!!🤣


nice to see pepe again! those water look so fresh

PEPE loves mountain streams!🐸
Enjoy the day my friend!
