Save the Bees! 🐝 My Actifit Report Card: June 29 2024

in Actifit4 days ago (edited)

Save the Bees! 🐝
Silvertop knows that Bees are very important!
Being allergic to Bee stings, I would just as soon let someone else do the Bee keeping Lol! 😇
Just hiking to the trailhead today Silvertop passed three neighbors that have Bee hives.
“ Silvertop I lost one of my hives over the Winter, I just received a new shipment of Bees, they seem very active! “🐝
“ I can see that Kurt, let me see if I can take a closeup photo without getting stung! “ 😇
What I didn’t realize, was that the white net fencing in the fifth photo was electrified!🙄
Wow….. Silvertop really felt that!!!!
Years ago we had horses in Colorado.
Because of deep winter snow that could short out our electric fence, we purchased an EXTRA powerful electric fence power supply.
Taking a shortcut to our “Upper pasture” meant crawling under one section of the electric fence………….
Easy huh…………😇
On more than one occasion, the Mrs, Silvertop, and our three kids, each took their turn, and accidentally raised up just a little too high when taking this “shortcut” to the upper pasture, and each were zapped!!!!!!😳
Liz later told me the shock slammed her to the ground….. once was enough for the Mrs!🙄
“ Liz I think Kurt must have bought the weaker electric fence power pack. Why don’t you touch the fence and see if it’s still working Lol…” 😇🤣🥰
“ I don’t think so Silvertop! “🤔
Our friend Jan was hiking with us today, she just gave Silvertop the funniest look Lol!😮
The next stop was up at our hiking trailhead, and another neighbor’s Bee hives!
Mike and his son Adam, have gone all in with Beekeeping!
Three large hives, and I must say VERY active hives!😳
Silvertop wasn’t taking any more chances at this point.
So many Bees……….🐝
“ Honey I think it’s best to check out these hives from a distance! “ 😇
I took a few steps further up the trail………
Fresh Cougar scat!!!😺
“ Liz, maybe today might is one of those days it’s best to stick to the main trails! “ 😳
You never know what kind of strange creature you might spot lurking in the Mountains today Lol!☺️😇
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores


Very interesting 👌.

Trying to get a hive. Sticking with the duvks for now
Screenshot_20240630-061818_Video Player.jpg

I think ducks are much safer my friend!😇😊
Have a great Sunday!🤗

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Awesome my friend, so many good steps see you soon!🤗👍

i've never been stung by a bee so i don't know if i'm allergic to one.
having big cats in your mountain is quite scary, have you encountered one in the wild?
i'm blessed we do not have big cat's over here, but we do have bears.

We have snowshoed in the winter time, following the tracks of two cougars.
Further down the trail, we realized that the cougars were following us!😺
Neighbors have actually put out game cameras and videotaped, complete family of cougars mother and two cubs walking right by the camera.
We have 5 acres and I’ve heard cougars screaming in our woods late at night .
They sound like a woman screaming !🙄

that is scary! thinking that you were ahead of them but they were actually in fact thinking ahead of you. are they known to attack humans?

It has happened!🙄
Cougar attacks are rare, but one happened several years ago when two guys were mountain biking fast through the forest …..
Cougars are just like domestic cats, they see something moving fast and their attack, instinct,kick in !😳😺

better walk slowly and cautiously then. you'll never know what is lurking behind the trees

Most definitely………😺


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