Always look both ways before crossing! 😇 My Actifit Report Card: June 28 2024

in Actifit5 days ago (edited)

Always look both ways before crossing!😇
“ Dad, those Railroad cops will come after you! “ 😳
Silvertop’s oldest son worked for the Burlington Northern Railroad.
He has actually operated some of the same train engines that we see on these tracks!🥰
Liz tries to snap photos of the engines as they pass by, and then text them to our son asking him if he has operated that particular one in the photo!😊
No trains today…………….🙄
Just a beautiful day at the boardwalk!😎
“ No worries Bill, Dad is being careful, I looked BOTH ways for railroad cops, I mean trains Lol! “ 😇
We don’t know their schedule, so it’s always hit or miss on the days we go down to the bay.
Standing on the boardwalk, you can hear the train approaching from several miles away.
So many people are enjoying this Oceanfront, I can see why they have numerous signs warning of approaching trains!
I was surprised at how fast they are traveling alongside highly congested pedestrian hiking trails!🙄
Our son will tell you it takes many miles to stop a train!😮
Always be safe my friends, trains can be very dangerous!
“ Liz, how did I end up on the “Wrong side of the Tracks! “ 😳
“ The Coffee shop is on the OTHER side Lol! “ 😇
“ Don’t tell our son, Silvertop needs a Latte, I’ll just cross here… more time Lol! “ 😊
Enjoy the weekend everyone, and look both ways on the way to your Coffee shop!😇
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores


I wonder what kind of bail they require should the train cops catch you dear? How do you want me to pay?

Free Latte’s 😇😊

this is just so funny how you stated it but yeah, those trains are scary.

Especially the fast moving trains in Japan!😳
Do they fence off the tracks to keep people safe?😮

some have fences. they have traffic lights with gates in crossroads

That’s a good thing, I can’t think of the name of one of Japan’s fast trains, but it could be very dangerous for people trying to cross the track!🙄

you mean their bullet trains? shinkansen, those are highly guarded and gated. that would be such a big disaster if ever

That’s the train I was thinking about!👍
Very impressive and very fast!
We used to be able to watch NHK on satellite… watched it all the time.
Japan is beautiful!😊

it is pretty impressive at how fast it goes yet very smooth to ride.
makes you wonder how much more they can push the envelope further

Very true, my son wishes they would build one over here….😊


Getting hit by a train would be worse than tumbling down those stairs !LOL

😳…….. my son tells me that trains came into the station frequently with remains!🙄

That's kind of scary, suicides maybe?

Yes, unfortunately my son tells me this happens very often, the RR keeps this information quiet……🙄