RUN MAN RUN! 🤗 My Actifit Report Card: May 26 2024

in Actifitlast month (edited)

What a dreary rainy day for a race today !😅
This didn’t dampen the spirits of thousands of people in the Pacific Northwest!
Today was the annual “ Ski to Sea “ relay race.
Starting at snow packed Mt Baker and ending at “ Bellingham Marine Park “, this relay race encompasses downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, many miles of road biking, canoeing, cyclocross, and finally sea kayaking at the finish!😅
Check out the video link below, and @elizabeth post for more photos !😊
Leaving Church this morning, Silvertop and the Mrs drove into a bumper to bumper traffic jam!😮
“ Silvertop have they ever canceled “Ski to Sea”?
It looked like even with the rain pouring down, “Ski to Sea” was a GO!🤗
I talked Liz into driving down to “ Boulevard Park “, this is the location of second to last leg of this race…. “sea Kayaking “!
Further down Boulevard hiking trail, is Liz’s favorite spot to take Ocean photos.
This is the finish line for this race, “Bellingham Marine Park”!
“ Honey, it’s still pouring rain, how about we drive to the finish line! “ 🥰
Downtown Fairhaven was shut to auto traffic, It was one big party!🤗
There wasn’t any way to get to the Marine park…………..
That’s OK Liz, I would rather enjoy a latte with you, and a nice warm woodstove at home!🥰

Stay dry everyone, and party on!!!🤗🎉
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Walking,Shopping


Hmmm......Folks might want to check out my post, @elizabethbit for the additional photos. 😀

Who am I dear?

Long cold day Liz!
Yes guys check out @elizabethbit !👍

You won't see me signing up for that widow maker of a race! You have to respect their tenacity though! Five miles yesterday, not to shabby!

I definitely agree with you, we would have gone to the finish line, but the crowds were too big. We couldn’t get anywhere within miles of the marine park!😳
Just the road biking section 41 miles long!😅🙄

This people should be Ironmen and ironwomen!


It really sounds like a tough relay race, and the cold rain didn’t help much Lol😇
It didn’t seem to dampen anyone’s spirits, it was a large turnout!🤗

There was a considerable crowd, so it didn't seem to depress anyone! The relay race seemed really difficult, and the chilly rain didn't make things any easier.

So many people turned out of the race, but I think I would rather stay warm and dry @silversaver888!😇☺️
