“ On the Road Again! “ 😊 My Actifit Report Card: May 25 2024

in Actifitlast month (edited)

“ On the road again! “ 😅
“ Honey, should someone tell these guys that a monsoon is coming! “ 😳
How does the old saying go…………
“ When you have lemons make lemonade! “ 😇
That was the plan today………….
If you have heard Silvertop talking about “ June-u-ary, “ the weather is starting to look that way…….💧
Saturday…….Liz and Silvertop always need something from town, so Silvertop abandoned plans at home and we headed down the mountain pass to town…..shopping……again Lol!😇
The fourth and fifth photos, give you a glimpse of our mountain pass………
Very scenic in the summertime, very treacherous in the winter time !😮
Check out the following photo I snapped when we reached the flatlands.
You are looking at the road to Canada, the border crossing is only a couple miles further up this road!
A couple of Silvertop’s silver gold stacking friends @kerrislravenhill and @fat-elvis live just North of the forty ninth parallel, the latitude that separates the United States from Canada!😊
Guys can you keep the Canadian rain just North of the border today Lol!😇
In town, we spotted this antique Ford!
Temporarily, the rain had stopped ……..
Then it started again………….
“ Here comes the rain again Liz, I certainly hope they HAVE a top to put up on that beautiful old classic car!😳
This couple didn’t seem to care, they just happily drove away………
They must not be from around here Liz Lol!😮
The Mrs started the windshield wipers,
set on Pacific Northwest speed, as the misty rain started.😇
Have a wonderful Saturday everyone, Silvertop is ……☺️
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity,House Chores,Shopping,Walking



Looks like more of the same tomorrow, dear. Maybe you should go get the rest of the brackets you need and I can hit the one store we didn't today since they are side by side!

Hmmm..... Give me an hour or so, Bitcoin is calling Lol!😇🥰

I don't know what's wrong with your weather, hehehe!
It's sunny here!!!

Can we have some Sunshine @silversaver888 please……😇🤣😎

I wonder whether the old timer car would make it up the mountain pass?

I’ve read stories about these old cars, crossing the mountains…..
I think they needed to stop several times and put water back in the radiator and let the cars cool down !🙄
Hard driving crossing the mountains!😅

Don't forget @thedamus here too.

Of course!👍☺️
So many from up North!😊👍

That Ford is a beauty, I would love to have one of those restored that nicely. I hope the weather improves today!

I always wanted an open roadster as well!😊
Hiking….. Crypto trading….. or IF it continues to rain I do need more shelf brackets and parts for my new shed……
Shopping again OH No Lol!😇🤣☺️

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